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The helpful co-operation of the University of Otago enabled the laboratory of the research association to be located at Otago University under the direction of Professor F. G. Soper. A research chemist has been appointed, who is making a detailed study of the wool-scouring process, as a result of which it has already been possible to effect savings in scouring material and improvement of the scoured wool. A number of service problems have also been investigated, including the diagnosis of stains, the cause of rotting of bathing-costumes used under certain conditions, and the examination of watersupplies. In co-operation with the Bacteriology Department of the University, work has been started on bacterial attack on wool and its prevention. A Textile Research Officer has also been appointed, and is spending some time in Great Britain and the Continent to study the latest developments in manufacturing processes before proceeding to New Zealand. A monthly circular-letter service has been instituted for the rapid dissemination of the results of the work being carried out, and members of the association have fully expressed their appreciation of the services rendered. SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH BUREAU. Since its inception a little more than a year ago, the Social Science Research Bureau has made very good progress with the projects which were selected for research. The major project —an inquiry into the standards of living of. dairy-farmers in New Zealand—has produced results of considerable interest and practical value, a resume of which is included in this report. A similar inquiry into the standards of living of two groups of urban workers has begun. The Bureau has also fostered research on problems of human nutrition by making a grant available for dietary studies at the Home Science Department of the University of Otago. A report on minimum adequate low-cost dietaries has been completed, and is being published in the New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology. A study is also to be made of the actual dietaries of a group of industrial workers' families, in conjunction with the urban standard-of-living survey. Through the courtesy of the Carnegie Corporation, the services of Dr. J. H. Kolb, Professor of Rural Sociology in the University of Wisconsin, United States of America, were made available to the Bureau in an advisory capacity for six months, and his specialized knowledge and experience have been of great value. A bibliography of social and economic research in New Zealand has been prepared, with the object of surveying the work that has been carried out in this sphere and collecting it in readily available form. NEW ZEALAND STANDARDS INSTITUTE. The activities of the New Zealand Standards Institute during the past year, and the substantial progress made in the development of the numerous projects in hand, are fully reviewed in a special supplementary report (H.-34a). OVERSEAS CONTACTS. The Department's Scientific Liaison Officer, Mr. Nevill Wright, and his assistant, Mr. W. M. Hamilton, who are attached to the High Commissioner's Office in London, have continued to perform valuable services in maintaining contact with research organizations in the United Kingdom; in representing the New Zealand Government on various scientific bodies; in making the necessary arrangements for the examination of experimental shipments of meat, fruit, and dairy-produce; and in procuring information in connection with scientific matters in general.