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librarians, 4 ; lecturer, 1 ; locksmith, 1 ; manufacturer, 1 ; medical practitioners, 5 ; merchant, 1 ; messenger, 1 ; motor-driver, 1 ; municipal employees, 2 : music-teacher, 1 ; musician, 1 ; native interpreter, 1 ; naval officer, 1 ; no occupation, 5 ; nurses, 5 ; pilot, 1 ; printers, 6 ; railway employees, 3 ; retailer, 1 ; retired, 38 ; salesman, 1 ; school-teachers, 15 ; seaman, 1 ; secretaries, 6 ; shopassistant, 1 ; soldier, 1 ; stenographers, 3 ; steward, 1 ; students, 10 ; surveyors, 2 ; typists, 13 ; wireless operator, 1 ; writers, 2. New Zealand Library Association. At the conference of the New Zealand Library Association, which was held in Nelson during February, the General Assembly Library was represented by the Hon. W. W. Snodgrass, M.L.C., Mr. H. Atmore, M.P., and the Chief Librarian. During the year the Country Library Service was inaugurated as a branch of the Department of Education, Mr. G. T. Alley, M.A., being appointed director. The General Assembly Library is co-operating wherever possible with the Country Library Service. Attached is a statement of receipts and expenditure for the year, with the certificate of the Auditor-General. In conclusion, I would again record my appreciation of the cordial support given by the staff during the year, and also of the efficient co-operation of the High Commissioner's staff in carrying out commissions for the Library. I appreciate very much, too, the sympathetic interest shown by the members of the Joint Library Committee in the work of the Library and welfare of the staff. I have, &c, G. H. SCHOLEFIELD, Chief Librarian.

GENERAL ASSEMBLY LIBRARY ACCOUNT. Statement fob the Year ended 31st March, 1938. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. Purchase of books and periodicals in— £ s. d. Balance .. .. .. .. 433 11 1 United Kingdom and United States .. 1,511 0 6 Annual grant .. .. .. 1,250 0 0 New Zealand .. .. .. 197 5 3 Private Bill fees .. .. .. 75 0 0 Australia .. .. .. .. 28 16 4 Refunds for lost books, &c. .. .. 419 8 Foreign .. .. .. .. 11 10 5 Petty expenses .. .. .. 0 1111 Bank charge.. .. .. .. 0 10 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 12 0 Balance, Bank of New Zealand .. 12 14 4 £1,763 10 9 £1,763 10 9 June 2, 1938. G. H. Scholepield, Chief Librarian. Examined and found correct — J. H. Fowler, Controller and Auditor-General.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (520 copies), £3 10s.

Authority: E. Y. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington.—1938.

Price 3d.~\