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Tagging of Trout—During stripping operations 437 rainbow fish were tagged. The following is a table of tagged fish which were either rehandled at the hatchery stream or caught and reported by anglers : —

Record of Fish tagged and retaken.

Culling of Fish. —The only culling carried out was at the hatchery stream, Tongariro River, where 182 males and 138 females were destroyed. Facilities for Anglers. The Information Bureau, Taupo, which had been closed for several seasons, was reopened, an officer being in attendance each day during part of the morning and evening. Tracks were cleared in places. A booklet giving information as to the best times likely to give best results when fishing different parts of the district was issued and has been very favourably received not only by overseas anglers, but also by many in New Zealand. Trout-food Supplies.—Further consignments of smelts and koura have been liberated in Lake Taupo in various places between Acacia and Motuopa Bays. Smelts from last year's plantings have been observed. A few smelts were also liberated in Lake Okaro, and several were observed some six months later. Black Shags and Hawks.—The bonus being paid on shags not protected under the Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22, and shot within the Rotorua Acclimatization District is now 2s. The fact of the shag being the host of the nematode worm in trout weighs heavily with the Department in endeavouring to keep the black shag frequenting the various waters to reasonable numbers. A bonus of 6d. for hawks destroyed within the district is also being paid. Private persons were paid for 957 shags and 58 hawks. In addition, the Department's rangers accounted for 255 shags and 163 hawks. Scientific Operations. The past policy of collecting data under various headings has been continued. Examinations of trout caught disclosed that with the exception of specimens taken from Lake Rotoehu the presence of the nematode worm was negligible. The mortality amongst the toi-toi (bully) was very great in most of the lakes, during February. The following table shows the result of the examination of the stomach contents of black shags shot at different times by a departmental ranger in the Bay of Plenty district: —


Tagged. Keturned. Tag No. Weight. | Length. Date. Weight. Length. Locality. Date. lb. oz. In. lb. oz. In. 4 13/9/37 5 0 .. Rangatira Point 1/1/38 E' '' + 2 22} 23/8/37 6 8 23 Amoho Stream 21/2/38 2588 F. . . 3 12 21} 23/8/37 .. . . Delta .. 11/3/38 2187 F. .. 4 8 23} 5/8/37 5 8 24 ,, .. 8/3/38 2263 F. .. 5 10 25} 5/8/37 6 4 25J Birch Pool .. 3/3/38 2604 F. .. 5 ,5 22} 13/9/37 4 8 .. 4-Mile Bay .. 23/12/37 2211 M. .. 2 8 18} 5/8/37 3 0 .. „ 13ai/37 1837 F. .. 5 5 22\ 14/10/36 7 4 24 Hatchery .. 4/10/37 2031 F. .. 4 2 21} 21/10/36 5 8 23 „ .. 26/10/37 1823 F. .. 3 1 19J 19/10/36 8 21 „ .. 26/10/37 2079 F. .. 5 4 22£ 22/10/36 6 9 24 26/10/37 1630 F. .. 4 6 22§ 17/9/36 6 0 .. „ .. 27/8/37 1649 F. .. 4 11 22J 17/9/36 5 11} 23 .. 27/8/37 1670 F. .. 4 1 22 17/9/36 5 7 23} „ .. 17/9/37 1860 F. .. 3 0 20 14/10/36 5 9 21} 22/9/37 2083 F. .. 4 7 23 22/10/36 6 5 24 „ " 22/9/37 2255 M. .. 4 0 23 5/8/37 4 0 23 Waitahanui .. 27/12/37 2291 F. .. 3 0 20} 5/8/37 No particulars .. .. /11/37 2534 I. .. 3 10 22} 23/8/37 3 8 23 Waitahanui .. 21/2/38

Wnmher Number ' Number' ' Nuiiiber Number Number Number Hiver, containing containing containing containing Wl T w] tn Other Shot - Trout. Carp. Eels. Bully. Intestinal umer ' ' Stomachs. Worms. . ; [ ' ■ Rangitaiki .. .. 2 1 (a 14 in. .. .. . . 1 trout) Waioeka .. 2" ... 1 (two 17 in. 1 (two .. .. and 10 in.) bully) Whakatane .. ... 3 .. 2 3 (five 7 in. .. .. .. to 12 in. long) Waima,na ... .. 5 .... .. .2 .(four 6 in. 2 1 to -10 in. long) Tarawera .. .. 9 2 ((1)14 in. 6 (one 1 (two 10 in. .. .. 1 trout; ease and 12 in. (2) bones Jjones of trout) only} ■ Ohiwa Harbour .. 1 C'' ... . . .. .. /. Salt-water- ' fist remains. 22 3 (containing 8 7 (containing 3 .2 1 . . .1 3 trout) ' ' . ' 13 'eels ' • '' 6 in. to 17 I in. long) :