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The action of Government in making further provision for those officers whose progress as juniors was retarded owing to the depression of past years has met with a full measure of satisfaction and appreciation by the officers concerned. The improved scale of allowances that was put into operation as from the Ist April, 1937, together with the adjustment made in November of the previous year, has had the effect, of placing the earnings of these officers on substantially the same level as they would have reached had the depression not supervened. For many years officers have expressed a desire to receive payment of their salaries every fortnight instead of twice monthly. It was the opinion of many that fortnightly pay would provide for the better arrangement of household finance. The wishes of officers in this respect were met in September, when fortnightly pays were instituted. Needless to say the change was a welcome one from the point of view of the staff. The staff for their part have continued to render service of undiminished efficiency and loyalty, upholding worthily the best traditions of the Service. Numerous staff changes due to retirements, promotions, and various rearrangements occurred during the year, and these were carried out without the slightest dislocation at any point, a fact which speaks well for the effectiveness of the organization and the calibre of the staff. Comparative Return of Persons employed in the Department. Details of the personnel of the Department on the Ist April, 1938, compared with the position on the same date last year are as under :— Permanent Staff— Ist April, 1937. Ist April, 1938. Administration .. .. .. .. .. 10 14 First Division .. .. .. .. .. 4,042 4,220 Second Division .. .. .. .. .. 5,353 5,899 Message-boys .. .. .. .. .. 807 811 10,212 10,944 Temporary Staff .. .. .. ... .. 229 105 Casual Staff .. .. .. .. .. 350 588 10,791 11,637 Non-permanent Staff — Country Postmasters and Telephonists .. .. 1,668 1,641 Postmasters who are Railway officers .. .. 84 83 12,543 13,361 Health of Permanent Staff. The following table shows, in comparison with the figures for the preceding year, the average number of days on which officers were absent on sick-leave during the year : — Number Average Absence Average Absence Year ended. 31st March, 1938— on Sta ®- P er Slck Officer. ° r e nipioyed Men .. .. .. .. 10,026 11-08 4-64 Women .. .. .. .. 882 12-63 7-62 Year ended 31st March, 1937— Men .. .. .. .. 9,470 11-48 4-57 Women .. .. .. .. 742 10-97 5-88 Twenty-eight officers died during the year. Personal. Mr. G. McNamara, C.8.E., Director-General of the Department, returned to New Zealand on the 14th August, 1937, after attending a conference in London in connection with Imperial Communications. Mr. J. G. Young, Deputy Chief Inspector, was appointed Second Deputv Director-General as from the Ist April, 1937. Mr. A. Marshall, Director of Accounts, General Post Office, retired on superannuation on the 31st January, 1938, after completing forty years' service. Mr. Marshall was succeeded by Mr. P. Cutforth, Assistant Chief Accountant, General Post Office. Mr. L. L. Macey, Superintending Engineer, Auckland, retired on superannuation on 30th June, 1937, after completing forty years' service. He was succeeded by Mr. P. H. Mason, Telegraph Engineer, General Post Office. Mr. J. P. P. Clouston, Chief Postmaster, Auckland, retired on superannuation on the 24th April, 1937, after completing forty years' service. Mr. Clouston was succeeded by Mr. W. G. Cooper, Chief Postmaster, Wanganui. Mr. J. C. Farrbairn, Superintending Engineer, Christchurch, having completed forty-two years' service, retired on superannuation on the 30th April, 1937. He was succeeded by Mr. H. C. Brent Telegraph Engineer, Palmerston North. Mr. W. W. Wilson, Chief Inspector, General Post Office, retired on superannuation on the 16th March, 1938, after the completion of forty years' service. His duties were taken over by Mr. L. L. Hills, Principal, StaS Division, General Post Office, who now functions in the dual capacity of Chief Inspector and Principal, Staff Division.