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Table 3.—Total Children appearing before Children's Courts. (Classified according to reason for appearance.)

The records show that, of the numbers dealt with, 264 had been before the Courts for previous offences, but many of these were of a minor nature, and there is every reason to hope that these children will make good with a little friendly supervision. In addition to the above, there were 26 cases dealt with by the Magistrates under the provisions of section 17 of the Child Welfare Amendment Act, 1927, and the informations dismissed as trivial; while there were also 156 cases in which, as a result of consultation between the Child Welfare Officer and the police, the informations were regarded as of insufficient importance to warrant Court action, the children concerned being adequately dealt with otherwise, usually as preventive cases under the supervision of a Child Welfare Officer for a period.


]936— 193737. 38. (a) Charged with an Offence, or delinquent. Delinquent .. .. ■. 67 150 Theft .. .. .. 723 825 Wilful damage .. .. .. 105 79 Mischief .. .. .. 107 183 Breaking, entering, and theft . . 142 130 Conversion . . . . .. 98 125 Throwing stones . . . . 22 46 Indecent assault .. .. 38 19 Disorderly conduct .. .. 21 25 Receiving .. .. • ■ 28 19 Dangerous driving .. . . 12 13 Assault .. . • ■ ■ 24 16 Discharging firearms .. . . 5 7 False pretences .. ■ • 12 8 Idle and disorderly . . .. 2 1 Obscene language . . . . 5 9 Attempted theft .. .. 5 1 Breach of supervision order . . 5 6 Carnal knowledge .. . . 7 9 Unlawfully on premises .. . . 7 14 Cruelty to animals . . . . 8 5 Breaking and entering .. . . 4 8 Vagrancy .. .. • • 1 1 Negligent riding .. .. 2 13 Driving without license .. .. 26 28 Aiding and abetting .. .. 2 2 Drunkenness . . . . ■ . 2 3 Fraud .. .. .• 1 2 Indecent exposure . . . . 6 2 Negligent driving . . . . 10 15 Breaking and entering with intent 3 12 Breaking insulators . . . . 122 120 False information .. . . 1 Indecency .. .. ■ • 2 3 Absconding . . . . . . 4 Trespass .. .. .. 3 9 Throwing missiles .. . . 15 2 Found on enclosed premises . . 5 Discharging fireworks . . . . 6 3 Forgery . . . . . ■ 4 1 Unnatural offence .. .. 3 1 Attempted breaking and entering 3 Attempted carnal knowledge . . 3 1 Smoking . . . . ■ ■ 2 Dangerous riding . . . . 2 Killing animals .. . . 2 I Frequenting billiard-rooms . . 1 2

1936- 193737. 38. (a) Charged with an Offence, or delinquent —continued. Uttering . . .. .. I 1 5 Presenting a firearm . . . . 1 Attempted breaking and entering with intent 1 Attempted indecent assault . . 1 On licensed premises after hours . . 1 Attempted breaking, entering, and 1 theft Insulting behaviour . . .. 1 Attempted suicide . . . . 1 Breach of agreement under Child 4 1 Welfare Amendment Act Conspiring to defraud . . .. . . 3 Arson . . . . .. . . 2 Unlawful Sunday trading . . .. 4 Attempted theft .. .. .. I Breach of Telephone Regulations .. .. 2 Indecent writing .. .. .. 2 Offensive behaviour .. .. . . 7 Breach of Traffic Regulations .. .. 17 Keeping dangerous animal .. .. 1 Casting offensive matter . . . . 4 Hunting game in a State forest .. .. 1 Attempted arson .. .. .. 4 Breach of Acts — Motor-vehicles t . .. 28 22 Post and Telegraph . . .. 2 Railways . . . . . . 7 12 Fire Brigades .. .. 5 5 Acclimatization . . . . 1 2 Licensing . . . . . . . . 1 Arms . . . . 82 67 Impounding . . . . .. 2 Animal Protection and Game . . . . 4 Breach of city by-laws .. .. 317 361 Total children charged with 2,134 2.447 offences (b) Appearances for other Causes. Indigency . . .. . . 191 211 Not under proper control . . 163 233 Detrimental environments . . 65 51 Neglected .. .. 31 40 Total Court appearances . . 2,584 2,982