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Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries, etc. —continued.


Native Schools —continued. Less recoveries £ £ £ Books, maps, &c. .. .. .. • • 55 Maintenance of buildings .. .. .. 52 Rent of school-sites, &c. .. .. . • 57 Transfer and travelling-expenses of Inspectors .. 94 Salaries of teachers and Inspectors .. .. 299 Scholarships and apprenticeships .. .. 500 Manual Instruction in Schools .. • ■ 8 Conveyance of children .. .. .. 3 _ 1,068 120,864 Physical Instruction. Salaries of instructors .. .. • • •• •• •• 2,978 Travelling and removal expenses .. .. • • ■ ■ 105 Uniform-allowances .. .. • • • • • • • • o,Lzo Education of the Blind. Grant to New Zealand Institute for the Blind .. .. .. 4,130 Maintenance fees of Government pupils at Jubilee Institute .. .. 471 Travelling-expenses of pupils .. .. • • • • • • 26 4,627 Less recoveries: Maintenance fees, &c. .. .. •. 395 School for the Deaf. Salaries of staff .. •. • • • • • • • • ® 1 General maintenance of institution .. .. •• •• 2,074 Maintenance of buildings, &c. .. .. •. • • • • 386 Postage and telegrams .. .. •• •• •• Travelling allowances and expenses (including transit of 319 cMldren) ~ W Less recoveries— Maintenance fees, &c. .. .. •• 1,940 Board of staff .. .. • • • • 452 Travelling-expenses .. • • • • 1 — — 2,393 —. 6,566 Schools for the Mentally Backward. Salaries of staff .. •• •• •• •• •• *n'nnq Maintenance of institutions .. ■■ •• •• •• 9,003 Maintenance of buildings, &c. .. .... .. 2,161 Travelling allowances and expenses (including transit of .. 703 children) Postage and telegrams .. •• •• •• •• 111 25,908 Less recoveries— Maintenance fees, &c. .. . • • • 958 Sale of produce, &c. .. .. • • 821 Travelling-expenses .. • • • • 43 Board of staff .. • • • • • • 1 > 822 Maintenance of institution, &c. .. .. 26 Rent of buildings and sites .. .. • • 4 — 3,674 — 22,234 Child Welfare. Salaries of staffs, including field officers .. .. •• •• 34,630 Wages of inmates, employed in institutions .. .. . • 270 Travelling and removal expenses (including transit of children) .. 5,421 Boarding-out of children .. • • • ■ • • • • '8,439 Maintenance of children in Government institutions .. •• 24,666 Maintenance of children in private institutions .. •• -• 2,917 Maintenance of buildings, &c. .. .. •• •• •• Rent, office, requisites, telephones, &c. .. .. •• aoa Office furniture and fittings .. • • • • • • • • 424 Printing, postage, and telegrams .. •• •• Payment to Post and Telegraph Department for services .. .. 714 Payment to Registrar-General's Department for services Refunds of inmates' earnings Refund of maintenance payments • • • • • • • • 468 Legal expenses .. • • • • • • • • * • z 1 Sundries 155,298 Less recoveries— _ Maintenance fees, &c. .. •• •• 18,225 Refunds for clothing, &c„ supplied .. .. 5,403 Refunds of boarding-out payments .. ■ • 283 Refunds of travelling-expenses .. • • 134 Recoveries on account of office rent, &c. .. 412 Recoveries on account of inmates'earnings .. 411 Sale of produce .. ■. • ■ • • 2,875 Board of staff and others .. •• •• 2,567 Rent of land and buildings .. .. • • 448 Maintenance of institutions, &c. .. •• 51 Sale of furniture, surplus stores, &c. .. .. 10 P ° StageS •• •• - 30,844 — 124,454