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Table W2.—Number of Students in the various Training Colleges.

34. HIGHER (UNIVERSITY) EDUCATION. The number of students on the books of the four University colleges affiliated to, and the two agricultural colleges established in connection with, the University of New Zealand at the end of 1937 was 5,238, as against 5,218 at the end of 1936. The figures for each of the colleges were as under : — 1936. 1937. Auckland .. .. .. .. 1,267 1,247 Victoria .. .. .. .. ~ 1,055 1,161 Canterbury .. .. .. .. .. 1,125 1,151 Otago .. .. .. .. .. 1,520 1,451 Massey .. .. .. .. .. .. 210 184 Lincoln .. .. .. .. .. 41 44 5,218 5,238 The total number of students described as taking definite courses at the four affiliated colleges was 4,775. These were distributed as follow : — Agriculture .. . . 31 Journalism . . . . 46 Architecture .. . . 47 Law .. .. .. .. 355 Arts .. . . .. 1,898 Massage . . .. 19 Commerce .. .. 819 Medicine .. .. . . 464 Dentistry . . . . 138 Mining .. . . 42 Diploma of Education .. 69 Music .. .. .. 79 Engineering .. .. 174 Science .. .. .. 494 Home-science .. .. 100 The following are some particulars relating to University education in the four affiliated colleges : —

Table Y.


1936. 1937. College. — ~ Men. Women. Total. Men. Women. Total. . Auckland .. .. .. 163 259 422 198 262 460 Wellington .. .. .. 77 138 215 99 184 283 Ckristchurcli .. .. .. 117 195 312 134 207 341 Dunedin.. .. .. .. 86 143 229 98 162 260 Totals .. .. .. 443 735 1,178 529 815 1,344

1934. | 1935. 1936. 1937. I I Number of students in actual attendance at 3,910 4,109 4,377 4,462 lectures Number of exempted students .. .. 811 709 590 548 Percentage of studentsMen 74 74 75 76 Women .. .. . • .. 26 26 25 24 Percentage of students actually attending Universities receiving free education*— Men .. .. .. .. .. 18 19 22 40 Women .. .. .. . • 29 32 42 58 All students .. .. .. .. 21 22 27 45 Occupations of students expressed as per- , a w * a. —,, * , centages— m. f. m. f. m. f. m. f. (1) Full-time students 47 68 44 55 40 44 36 46 (2) Teachers and training-colleges .. 9f 17")" 12 28 17 39 18 38 (3) Government and local bodies 15 4 16 3 16 4 22 4 (4) Other 27 7 25 7 25 8 23 8 (5) Not known .. .. .. 2 4 3 7 2 5 1 4 * These students hold scholarships or training-college studentships. f These are teachers. There were no training-college students in 1934.