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The number of schools at the end of the previous year was 309, and the total enrolment 27,709. There has been a decrease of 3 in the number of registered private primary schools when compared with the number at the end of 1936. 25. ENDOWED SCHOOLS AND REGISTERED PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOLS. The following table summarizes the returns furnished by endowed schools and registered private secondary schools with respect to the years 1936 and 1937

Table T.

26. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL. The roll of the correspondence school continues to increase, there being 011 Ist July, 1937, 1,701 primary pupils, as against 1,587, and 961 secondary pupils as against 786 on the same date in the previous year. The school curriculum was extended during the year to include commercial subjects and light woodwork. It is intended to permit members of the staff to visit the homes of pupils to advise parents concerning the work of their children and to discuss problems which confront parent and pupil alike. 27. KINDERGARTEN SCHOOLS. The number of schools, pupils on the roll, average attendance and average weekly roll at schools conducted in 1937 by recognized kindergarten associations were as follow : —

Table U.

It will be observed that for this year the average weekly roll number of pupils under each kindergarten association is given. This information has now been added to the table because of the fact that the capitation payments made by the Department to the associations is now computed on that basis instead of on average attendance, as formerly. This provides a slightly more liberal basis of payment.


1936. 1937. Number of schools .. .. .. .. 56 57 Roll at 1st July .. .. .. .. 4,982 5,419 Average attendance .. .. .. .. 4,752 5,167 Teachers (inclusive of principals) — Men .. .. .. .. .. 151 154 Women .. .. .. .. .. 199 204 Total .. .. .. .. 350 358

Association. Number of Schools. Jm? Average Weekly . _ __ Auckland .. .. 10 458 353 422 Hastings .... 1 55 34 41 Hutt Valley .. 1 49 39 47 Wellington .. .. 7 289 262 302 Christclrurch .. 7 384 279 351 Dunedin .. .. 6 304 237 277 Invereargill .. .. 4 148 119 142 Totals, 1937 36 1,687 1,323 1,582 Totals, 1936 34 1,701. 1,278 * Difference.. +2 —14 +45 * Not available.