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Table O 6. —Percentages of Boys leaving Post-primary Schools in 1934-37 who proceeded to the University or to Employment in the Three Main Occupational Groups.

As regards the tables (0 2 and 0 4) covering figures in relation to pupils leaving school after having completed their primary course, the most noticeable feature is the somewhat large increase in the percentage of pupils leaving and proceeding to further full-time education in some type or other of post-primary school. An increase has been recorded for the past three years, and applies to girls as well as to boys. No great variation is recorded elsewhere, except that a lower percentage of boys proposed to engage in agricultural and pastoral pursuits than formerly, and the same remark applies to girls who remained " home " on completion of their primaryschool course. In table 0 6 above dealing with percentages of boys leaving all types of postprimary schools and who proceeded to a University college as full-time students or who intended to take up employment in the three main occupational groups named in the table, no great variation is recorded this year in comparison with last year. It is of interest to note, however, that there was an increase in the percentage proceeding to a University college and to " farming." 16. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE AND PLACEMENT. In the introduction to this report reference was made to the appointment of certain teachers part of whose work would lie in advising pupils and parents as to the choice of employment on the termination of the pupils' course. The table below shows that there is now only a small percentage of boys leaving primary public schools who are not intending to further their education or who liave not some definite occupation in which to engage. There is not such a good result in the case of pupils leaving post-primary schools, but in the case of girls there is an increasing percentage each year accounted for either at University colleges or in employment.

Table P.—Percentages of Pupils leaving Primary, Intermediate, and Post-primary Schools in 1934-37 who are known to have proceeded to Further Full-time Education of a Higher Grade or to some Definite Occupation (Home excluded).

5.— E. 1.


University. J™""* Trades and Industrie,. Class of School. 1934.1985.193ft. 1937. 1934.1935.1988. 1937. 1934.1935. 1936. 1937 1934. 1935. 1986.1937. Secondary .. .. .. 5 5 4 j 5 50 I 55 60 59 i 15 13 12 14 14 16 16 12 Combined .. .. .. 4 7 4 4 45 i 48 59 51 j 24 17 16 16 12 17 10 j 12 Technical .. .. .. 1 * * 1 35 39 44 44 | 17 15 14 14 30 29 28 29 District high .. .. .. 1 2 1 1 31 37 43 43 ! 33 31 29 31 16 16 16 16 All schools .. .. .. 3 3 2 3 41 i 46 52 51 I 20 17 15 16 20 20 20 I 19 ' , ___J I ! |_ * Insignificant percentage.

Boys. Girls. Class of School. ; j j— 1934. 1935. 1936. ! 1937. 1934. 1935. 1936. 1937. I I | I Primary .. 90 92 94 96 64 68 72 76 Intermediate .. ..91 93 94 94 76 79 82 84 Secondary .. 87 91 93 91 52 57 66 69 Combined . . 89 94 93 88 48 58 59 55 Technical .. 88 90 90 92 53 58 66 71 Secondary departments of 85 89 92 92 31 35 44 45 district high schools All post-primary schools 87 90 92 91 48 53 62 65