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The ages at which pupils commenced their post-primary course are given in the following table : —

Table N. —Ages at which Pupils commence Post-primary Course.

In 1936 23 per cent, and in 1937 21 per cent, of those commencing a postprimary course did so under the age of thirteen years. IS. DESTINATION OF PUPILS LEAVING SCHOOL. A summary of the destination returns obtained from the schools, through the various Boards, is given in the following tables: —

Table O 1. —Probable Destination of Pupils leaving Public Primary Schools during or at End of Year 1937.


I I I I ' Year of commencing post-primary course .. j 1933 1934 | 1935 1936 1937. Number of proficiency passes in previous 16,549 16,633 17,286 17,031 17,350 year in public primary schools and intermediate schools and departments Number of pupils who commenced a post- 11,637 12,143 12,632 12,849 13,342 primary course in State schools and who came from public primary schools or intermediate schools and departments Percentage .. .. .. .. 70 73 73 75 77 i

Age at which Post-primary Course commenced. Total Numbers commencing Under 12 12 Years 13 Years 14 Ye ars. 15 Years Years. and over. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. ; Girls. Secondary .. 33 28 542 650 1,269 1,449 723 529 217 106 2,784 2,762 Combined .. 6 10 62 95 251 180 148 69 57 11 524 365 Technical .. 14 13 365 398 1,292 1,036 884 589 284 160 2,839 2,196 District high .. 20 20 256 335 506 552 290 261 79 59 1,151 1,227 Totals—1937 .. 73 71 1,225 1,478 3,318 3,217 2,045 1,448 637 336 7,298 6,550 Totals—1936 .. 65 118 1,354 1,578 3,082 2,951 2,063 1,324 620 311 7,184 6,282 Difference .. + 8 -47 -129 -100 +236 +266 -18 +124 +17 +25 +114 +268 |

Totals. With Primary Without Primary School Certificate. School Certificate. Destination. Boys. Girls. , - - . | _ „ Boys. Girls. Boys. ' Girls. Number. Number. | Post-primary .. .. .. 6,463 6,459 144 82 6,607 62 6,541 65 Commercial occupations— (a) Clerical (including typing) 48 49 9 3 57 1 52 1 (b) Shop and warehouse assistants 276 234 185 104 461 4 338 3 Trades— (a) Engineering .. .. 104 4 49 4 153 2 8 * (by Building .. .. 47 34 2 81 1 2 * (c) Other .. .. .. 166 61 151 73 317 3 134 1 Agricultural and pastoral .. 939 52 794 40 1,733 16 92 1 Other occupations .. .. 258 246 283 213 541 5 459 5 Home .. 289 1,404 259 874 548 5 2,278 23 Not known .. .. .. 61 58 77 91 138 1 149 1 Totals .. .. .. 8,651 8,567 1,985 1,486 10,636 100 10,053 100 * Insignificant percentage.