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s—B. 1 [PT. I].

B.—l [PT. I].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1937-1 9 3 8.

Year ended 31st March, 1938, compared with the Year ended 31st March, 1937-continued.


COIN ACCOUNT. Year Year ended 31st March. knded 31st March, 1938 1937, PAYMENTS. : Cash. Nominal Value. Cash. £ s. d. Coinage Act, 1933, — £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. New Zealand Coin imported from Royal Mint— Threepences .. .. .. .. •. . • 55 > 500 0 0 Sixpences .. .. .. .. .. .. 51,500 15 0 Shillings .. .. .. .. .. .. 44,500 0 0 Florins . . .. .. .. •. • • 119,000 0 0 Half-crowns .. .. .. .. .. .. 84,000 0 0 354,500 15 0 7,645 0 0 Australian Coin withdrawn from circulation 21.908 11 3 Expenses .. .. .. .. .. .. ■■ •• 63,381 10 6 — ———— Unauthorized Expenditure,— 8,500 0 0 Imperial Bronze Coin imported from Royal Mint Less— Gr. 8,500 0 0 Imperial Bronze Coin handed to Banks, paid for in Cash Finance Act, 1936 (No. 2), Section 6, — 12,000 0 0 Imperial Bronze Coin imported from Royal Mint .. .. • • •• 31,750 0 0 31,750 0 0 27 2 5 Expenses of importing Imperial Bronze Coin .. .. £389 5 1 Less credits in reduction .. . . .. .. 313 10 0 1 75 15 1 . 31,825 15 1 Balance of Account transferred to Deposits Account, Silver and Bronze Coin Account .. 987,678 3 5 I Balance at end of Year, — 696,634 14 0 Cash .. £738,215 7 8 Totals £386,250 15 0 £1,082,885 9 0 MINES ACCOUNT. Year Year ended 31st MarcH; ENDED 31ST MAEOH, 1938. 1937. EXPENDITURE. ' ' ' ' : Net. Gross. Credits. Net. £ s. d. Annual Appropriation,— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 245,692 14 4 Vote —State Coal-mines .. .. .. .. 319,383 2 4 1,595 0 11 317,788 1 5 3,225 2 4 Interest and other charges on Loans and Capital Liability .. .. .. 2,873 16 4 Amortization of Debt, — Finance Act, 1928, Section 22 — Transfer to State Coal-mines Sinking Fund Account — Subsection (1) —2 per cent, of amount of Loans raised to 31st March, 1938, less amount redeemed otherwise 4,122 0 5 than from the Sinking Fund .. .. .. .. .. 4,122 0 5 Subsection (3) —4 per cent, of amount redeemed from 4,754 6 2 Sinking Fund to 31st March, 1937 .. .. .. .. .. 5,107 2 2 Subsection (3) —4 per cent, of amount redeemed from 302 10 9 Sinking Fund during the Current Year .. .. .. .. 294 15 4 9,178 17 4 9,523 17 11 Balances at end of Year, — 27,602 10 7 Cash* .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 11,956 5 2 Investment Account— 42,800 0 0 Securities held £328,499 4 7 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. £342,142 0 10 * This includes Public Account Cash Balance Investments which it is not possible to allocate to the individual accounts.