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brought up to modern standard. A notable feature of tlie past year's operations was the improved standard of general maintenance throughout the State highways system as the result of utilizing up-to-date plant and equipment under one organization. The superelevation of curves, the painting of bridges, the erection of white direction posts, and of protective fencing, combined with centre-line marking on pavements, have also contributed largely towards safer conditions, notwithstanding the greater density of traffic on these important connecting routes. It is intended to continue these activities and also to extend paving operations, as far as possible, on heavily trafficked highways, where the dust nuisance creates danger conditions, especially during the holiday season. HYDRO-ELECTRIC DEVELOPMENT. The hydro-electric developments have continued to be one of the Government's most successful undertakings. The conditions attendant on the more prosperous times of the past two years have given the public more confidence and a greater sense of security which is reflected in continually increasing demands for electric power. The amount of power supplied from the Government system has shown phenomenal increases during the year, and a comparison with the conditions existing a few years ago is well illustrated in the diagrams, which show the maximum kilowatts supplied from the Government stations quarter by quarter over a period of years.