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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.


Finance. This is in a very satisfactory state, there being a larger amount in reserve than ever before in the history of Niue Island. Once again no subsidy has been asked for by this Administration, and, as a result of the large sum received from the sale of Coronation stamps, no assistance should be required from New Zealand funds for some years to come. The revenue for the year amounted to £35,443, and the expenditure £22,311, showing a gross surplus of receipts over payments of £13,132, this surplus being entirely due to the sale of Coronation stamps referred to above. Of the surplus shown, £10,000 were invested, leaving a net surplus for the year of £3,132. Trade. Imports for the calendar year 1937 totalled £29,309, and exports £23,321, a total trade value of £52,630, which is the highest recorded figure since 1919. Bananas. —There has been a decrease in shipments, mainly owing to neglect in making new plantations. This is rapidly being remedied. Strict inspections have reduced the quantities which could have been shipped, the Administration being insistent that a high quality be maintained. Kumeras. —One hundred and twenty-three tons have been shipped this year. This is a record, the previous largest annual total being ninety-four tons. Hats and Baskets. —Hats exported have decreased, but baskets have increased. Miscellaneous. —Citrus fruits, grandillas, and pawpaws have been shipped in small quantities. The following table shows the quantities and values of the principal exports for the last ten years : —

I—A. 6.

Copra. Bananas. Baskets. Hats. j Fungus. Kumeras. Year. — ■ 1 r ■ , ■ < tity 1 " Value. Quantity. Value Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. 11 " Value. Tons. £ Gases. £ Dozens. £ Dozens. £ lb. £ Tons. £ 1928 .. 621 11,445 14,010 6,254 3,182 2,365 121 75 20,680 525 1929 .. 735 11,652 17,434 7,683 2,948 1,879 574 386 6,606 222 1930 .. 335 3,382 21,456 9,787 1,012 660 1,214 810 5,694 183 1931 .. 204 2,269 8,703 3,590 801 480 271 185 3,789 151 15 278 1932 .. 366 3,815 22,828 8,384 682 270 775 4.67 13,104 315 31 348 1933 .. 190 1.760 24,596 8,542 670 320 1,222 729 384 5 4 41 1934 .. 125 961 28,393 10,006 308 130 920 492 5,137 81 13 273 1935 .. 316 2,031 22,714 8,620 162 78 1,769 756 7,593 77 40 360 1936 .. 662 7,077 35,701 13,744 93 80 880 384 3,583 35 94 1,464 1937 .. 728 10,825 26,709 10,283 167 92 694 254 261 4 123 1,451