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After a somewhat lengthy discussion amendments were proposed to the Exiles of Procedure of the Assembly as follow (1) The Credentials Committee was given definite power to elect its own Chairman and Vice-Chairman. An Agenda Committee was provided for to consist of seven members, and a Special Committee of eleven members was also provided for to nominate candidates for functions which carry with them a seat on the General Committee. (2) But the most important amendment was to the rule providing for the General Committee itself, which is largely the " steering " Committee of the Conference. The Chairman of the Agenda Committee and the Chairman of the Credentials Committee were added to this Committee, and the number of Vice-Presidents was jncreased from six to eight. The General Committee will therefore in future be composed of the President of the Assembly, eight. Vice-Presidents, the Chairmen of the six main Committees, the Chairman of the Agenda Committee, and the Chairman of the Credentials Committee. The Report of this Committee is contained in Document A. 75, 1936, V, and its resolutions are as follow :— I. " The Assembly decides that the rule relating to the convening of the Finance (Fourth) Committee, established as an experiment by the Assembly's resolution of 11th October, 1933, shall be maintained for the session of 1937, namely — " ' The President of the Council, after consulting the Chairman of the Supervisory Commission, may convene the Finance Committee for a date preceding by not more than one week the first meeting of the ordinary session of the Assembly. The Committee shall be composed of the representatives accredited for the purpose by the Members of the League. It shall appoint its Chairman, who .shall thereby become a member of the General Committee of the Assembly under the terms of Rule 7of the Rules of Procedure. The establishment of the Committee shall be reported to the Assembly at the first plenary meeting of the Assembly.' " IT. " The Assembly decides to amend its Rules of Procedure as follows — " (1) Paragraph 3 of Rule 5 is amended to read as follows — " ' 3. A Committee of nine members for the examination of the full powers shall be elected by the Assembly on the proposal of the President. The Committee shall appoint its own Chairman and Vice-Chairman. It shall report without delay.' " (2) Paragraph 1 of Rule 7 is amended to read as follows — " ' 1. The General Committee of the Assembly shall consist of the President of the Assembly, eight Vice-Presidents, and the Chairmen of the main Committees of the Assembly, the Agenda Committee, and the Committee for the examination of the full powers. " ' The Assembly may decide to add to the General Committee the Chairmen of other Assembly Committees and, in exceptional cases, other members.' " Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 remain unchanged. " (3) A new rule, numbered 7 (a), is inserted, reading as follows — " ' 1. An Agenda Committee shall be set up at the beginning of each session. It shall consist of seven members, who shall be appointed by the Assembly on the nomination of the President. " ' 2. The Committee shall elect its own Chairman and Vice-Chairman. " '3. The Committee shall consider applications for the inclusion of new cpiestions in the agenda of the Assembly, and shall report to the Assembly thereon. " ' 4. Proposals for the mere reference to one of the main Committees of portions of the Report on the Work of the League shall be decided upon by the Assembly without previous reference to the Agenda Committee.' " 111. " The Assembly adopts as an experiment the following procedure which, unless otherwise decided in the interval, shall have effect down to the termination of the ordinary session of 1939 — "'Rule 7 (b). "' 1. At the commencement of each session the Assembly shall appoint a Committee of eleven members, whose duty shall be to nominate candidates for functions which carry with them a seat on the General Committee. " ' 2. The provisional President of the Assembly shall submit proposals to it regarding the composition of this Committee. " ' 3. The Members of the Assembly and the Committees shall retain the right to vote for persons other than those proposed by the above-mentioned Committee.' " Composition of the Council. This subject had been under consideration by a Special Committee set up by the Council in 1935, and the deliberations of this Committee and of the First Committee were of some length and of some little difficulty. The existing constitution of the Council allowed for nine temporary seats in addition to those States holding permanent seats, and in the course of years a position had developed