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intensify this demand seems certain. The reasons for employment or unemployment of people, nutritional problems and questions of proper housing and of leisure, and provision for old age are all matters on which facts are now being eagerly sought as a basis for enlightened national and community action. It is in an endeavour to explore and meet this need for research in the social sciences that a Bureau of Social Science Research has recently been established as a new activity. The work of the new Bureau will include the co-ordinating of the activities of research bodies or individuals working in the fields of social sciences so that the utmost benefit will be realized from their efforts, the stimulation of interest in the social sciences, the development in the community of an appreciation of their significance, and the undertaking of investigations by the Bureau itself to assist Government by providing the necessary factual bases for policy measures of a social nature. The drift of New Zealand. University graduates overseas to take up appointments has often been the subject of adverse comment. It is therefore encouraging to observe that the effort to stem the drift is meeting with some success, in that the services of a number of New Zealand graduates who had migrated overseas have been secured for the Department, and that, too, there are two ex-Rhodes Scholars on the staff. Another pleasing feature is the increasing opportunity which is being given to women graduates to obtain scientific appointments. D. G. Sullivan, Minister in Charge of Scientific and Industrial Research Department.