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Table 5. Status of Children and Young Persons under the Guardianship of the Superintendent at 31st March, 1937.

The following table shows the admissions according to age :—

Table 6.- Committals and Admissions during the Year ended 31st March, 1937.

a< l mi oQ ion ! clas f fied according to the causes of admission. Of the total 4fi TT "T, '- r Under pr ° per C ° ntro1 ' 77 char B ed with Punishable offences, 23 delinquent, 46 living m detrimental environments, and 22 neglected. Of the number admitted under these headings (432), 292 were placed out in the community before the 31st March, 1937.

Table 7.—Committals and Admissions during the Year ended 31st March, 1937, classified according to Causes of Admission.

Table 8.-Children before the Courts during the Year ended 31st March, 1937, and placed under the Supervision of Child Welfare Officers. (Section 13(4).)


Status ' Boys. Girls. Totals. —T — In residence 92 92 Boarded out 1146 g65 g At service (includes 4 boys and 24 girls at day service) 557 309 ' Sfifi With friends .. .. .. _ ' 3gl 23Q In hospitals, convalescent homes, &c. .. .. 54 26 80 In refuges or cognate institutions .. .. ., 2 41 1 o In orphanages .. .. .. _ _ °' o 0 9 ~ ri Absent without leave .. .. ,, ] 7 9 Y.M.C.A. Hostel, Auckland . 1 c . in colleges ;; ;; 3 In Girls'Hostel, Wellington .. .. 2q In residence, Roman Catholic schools .. *28 42 70 In schools for mentally backward .. .. ' Igg fi7 J-\, In School for Deaf, Sumner (State wards) .... 7 1 g - 0tals • • J 2,518 1,723 4,241

I I *" ' Boys- Girls. j Totals. Under six months .. .. .. gg 22 Over six months and under one year . . . g 22 One year to five years .. .. . '' 38 2g ' Five years to ten years .. .. .. _ 52 39 cn Ten years to fourteen years .. 77 00 Over fourteen years .. .. .. £ g 109 Totals •• 11 •• •• . 307 _ I 178 485

Taken charge of as | Bo y 8 . | Girls. Totals r I _L Indigent 9« 77 17 - Delmquent 19 17 & Detrimental environment .. ok 01 Ne g iecte d •• •• :: :: 9 5 t Not under proper control .. .. .. _ _ fz Accused or guilty of punishable oflence .. 73 4 Admission by private arrangement (section 12, Child Welfare Act) g Temporary arrangement. .. .. .. _ _ 26 17 ,<q Supervision, with residence.. .. .. _ _ 3 I ' Admission under section 46, Infants Act .! '' _ _ | j TotaIs " J 307 178 i ~485

Boys. Girls. Totals. Charged with an offence .. a on 01 Delinquent " " gj Not under proper control .. .. .. " 66 20 Sfi In detrimental environment .. c Q n Indigent " ? * 9 Neglected .. .. .. .. _ _ 2 g Tota^s L1„„ - 599 68 667