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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Department of Lands and Survey, TR > Wellington, Ist September, 1937. I have the honour to submit herewith a report on the public domains and national parks of the Dominion for the year ended 31st March, 1937. I have, &c., W. Robertson, The Hon. Prank Langstone, Minister of Lands. Under-Secretary for Lands.


PART I.—PUBLIC DOMAINS. At the 31st March, 1937, the total number of public domains administered under the provisions of Part II of the Public Reserves, Domains, and National Parks Act, 1928, was 780, covering a total area of 75,410 acres. Fifty of these domains are controlled by the various Commissioners of Crown Lands 252 are controlled by local authorities acting as Domain Boards, while the remaining 478 are under the control of local Boards appointed from time to time. During the year five new domains, with a total area of some 93 acres, were reserved and brought under Part II of the Act, and arrangements made for their control. Additions totalling 302 acres were also made to nineteen existing domains. The new domains consist of areas on Waiheke Island, at Waiomio, Reporoa, Tokaanu, and Kokatahi. The Waiheke Island Reserve comprises an area of 2 acres 3 roods 8 perches situated within easy reach of either Surfdale or Oneroa. It was given to the Crown by Mr. E. Runnerstrum and members of his family for the purposes of a public domain, and their generous and public-spirited action is much appreciated by the Department and the residents of the locality. About half of the area is in light native bush which is worthy of preservation, and the reserve is very suitable for picnic purposes. A Domain Board of Waiheke Island residents has been appointed to control the area. At Waiomio on the Thames-Coromandel coast an area of 11 acres 0 roods 29-5 perches was transferred to the Crown and made a public domain. The local bodies of the district and the public generally contributed generously towards the funds required to purchase this area, and the Department made a grant of £300 to enable its acquisition to be completed. There is very little ground available for public use along the Coast Road, and the acquisition of this area as a public domain should be greatly appreciated by all concerned. A Board has been appointed comprising representatives of the Thames Borough Council, the Thames and Hauraki Plains County Councils, and the general public. When a township was laid off in the Reporoa Settlement some years ago a suitable piece of land was withheld from selection in order to meet future recreation requirements. During the year the residents undertook the responsibility of controlling and improving the reserve, which was thereupon made a public domain and placed under the control of a properly constituted Domain Board. At Tokaanu a hot-springs reserve of some 57 acres was made available by the Tourist Department for reservation as a public domain, and was placed under the control of a representative Domain Board. The domain embraces several hot springs and pools suitable for bathing, and it is the Board's intention to gradually improve and extend the bathing facilities so that the greatest possible use of the reserve may be made by the public.