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DISCHARGED SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT—continued. Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1937. Df t £ s. d. £ s. d. CV. £ d. £ s * Interest and sundry charges re Interest on advances loans— Current Account .. .. 54,601 19 b Interest on hypothecation of Farms, &c... .. .. 211,854 8 o securities 86,268 9 10 Dwellings 4 3 Interest on debentures ..145,272 3 1 Merged interests .. .. 1,253 lo 7 Interest on amount transferred Buddings .. . . .. 894 17 8 from Consolidated Fund ..240,000 0 0 Sales 142 15 b Interest on redemptions from Miscellaneous .. .. 165 1- 10 Public Debt Repayment . ™ ° * Account .. 31.124 13 7 Rents from properties acquired by the Crown .. 50,011 10 b Management charges of stock !! '308 12 11 Interest on stock in respect of securities taken Charges and expenses of raising over by State Advances Corporation .. .. 81,711 17 o loans &c. •• 1,411 15 10 Transfer of profits from State Advances Corporation 15,673 14 I 1 504,385 15 3 Interest on surplus funds temporarily invested .. 3,337 18 8 Expenses of management— Surplus on disposal of properties .. .. 1,003 5 5 Costs recouped to Vote, Lands Transfer and production fees, &c. .. .. Dll 11 8 and Survey .. .. 29,700 0 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. Ob 1 8 Rebates .. .. 19,962 7 3 Profit on working farms acquired by the Crown .. 1,619 18 4 Miscellaneous expenditure on Recovery of bad debts . . .. ■ • 79 9 1 Crown properties .. .. 9,085 4 8 Balance: Loss for year earned down .. .. 22b, ObU / U Audit fees .. .. • • 800 0 0 Travelling-expenses .. .. 549 5 8 Printing and stationery . . ]69 3 9 60,266 1 4 Remissions — Land Board recommendations 81,946 15 9 Under Mortgage Relief Acts .. 7,136 9 1 89,083 4 10 Reductions in value of securities — Losses on realization : Writingsoff in Suspense .. ■■ 102,820 4 7 Losses on properties acquired by the Crown .. •• 28,965 14 3 Reductions of mortgages, &c., by Dominion Revaluation Board .. .. .. 289 13 6 Depreciation in value of Native Lease : McGregor Block .. 400 13 10 132,476 b 2 £78b,211 7 7 £78b,211 7 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance : Loss for year brought down .. 22b,060 7 0 Balance : Accumulated loss to 31st March, 1937 1,298,228 13 5 Balance forward from previous year .. .. 1,072,168 6 5 £1,298,228 13 5 £1,298,228 13 5