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C. —9.

TABLE 1. Total Lands acquired from the Crown by Discharged Soldiers and held at the 31st March, 1937.


Sale (Including Deferred Payment). Lease and License. Grand Totals. Number of ; Land District. D«ed- «umbjrot N ber Allllual Number . .Uier Qo ,S nK , charge, J^ Licensees. Under the Discharged, Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915, and Amendments. Acres. £ { Acres. £ Acres. North Auckland .. 11 10 2,154 2,765 273 273! 46,481 8,948 284 283 48,635 Auckland .. 48 48 1,420 16,690 470 470 72,964 18,298 518 518 74,384 Gisborne .. .. 3 3 193 4.725 107 106 52,323 12,554 110 109 52,516 Hawke's Bay .. .. .. .. .. 201 221 79,792 27,210 201 221 79,792 Taranaki .... 1 1 2 310 87 86 21,283 5,814 88 87 21,285 Wellington .. 16 ]6 417 5,873 723 700 165,873 75,302 739 716 166,290 Nelson .. .. 3 3 1.216 1,292 21 21 13,119 1.515 24 24 14,335 Marlborough .. .. .. .. . . 45 46 14,907 3,357 45 46 14,907 Westland . .. 1 1 148 150 17 17 19,645 193 18 18 19,793 Canterbury .. 28 28 1,509 12,703 360 349 217,168 38,958 388 377 218,677 Otago ' .. 4 4 1.935 5,470 100 96 181.610 11,451 104 100 183,545 Southland .. 5 5 1,026 6,010 67 76 10,831 3,623 72 81 11,857 Totals .. 120 119 | 10,020 (55,988 2.471 2,461 895,996 207,223 2.591 2,580 906,016 Under other Acts. (This includes lands selected at ordinary ballots, leases and licenses purchased at auction, and holdings by transfer or otherwise.) North Auckland .. 12 12 1,173 1,325; 107 104 24,103 3,506 119 116 25,276 Auckland .. 54 52 22,816 20,604 1 341 311 145,749 7,361 395 363 168,565 Gisborne .. .. .. .. • • • • 46 43 41,174 4,283 46 43 41,174 Hawke's Bay .. .. .. .. .. 74 86 37,076 7,896 74 86 37,076 Taranaki.. .. 7 6 1,776 7,479 134 131 57,760 3.787 141 137 59,536 Wellington .. 3 3 221 1,081 166 161 58,935 34,728 169 164 59,156 Nelson .. .. 3 3 1,099 586 95 87 49,081 1.072 98 90 50,180 Marlborough .. .. .. .. .. 108 95 233,004 6,073 108 95 233,004 Westland . .. 1 1 200 168 63 59 16,158 341 64 60 16,358 Canterbury .. 3 3 56 386 203 210 151,571 21,488 206 213 151,627 Otago .. .. 3 3 76 457 205 200 860,571 20,881 208 203 860,647 Southland .. 1 1 127 40 71 86 59,103 2,828 72 87 59,230 Totals .. 87 84 27,544 32,126 1,613 1,573 1,734,285 114,244 1,700 1,657 1,761,829 Grand totals .. j 207 j 203 37,564 88,114 4,084 4,034 2,630,281 321,467 4,291 4,237 2,667,845