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New Point, Elizabeth Mine (Guy and Party), Dunollie.—The section on the rise side of the 130 ft. fault is being developed in. a north-easterly direction. The area is only 3J chains in width, being faulted on one side and outcropping on the other side. Fiery Gross Mine (Gurrie and Party), Dunollie. —Top Mine: All coal having been won from this area, the mine was closed. " Bottom Mine : This mine is in the same seam as the top mine, but it has a new entrance at a distance of about 6 chains to the dip of the top mine. Baddeley and Party's Mine, Dunollie.—Development-work in this mine was completed owing to the soft nature of the coal, faulting, and the steep inclination of the seam. Gastlepoint Mine, Dunollie. —No development-work was done in this mine, and the bulk of the coal was won from pillar-extraction on the northerly portion of the lease. The main level going north was stopped owing to the coal thinning to an unworkable thickness. Hilltop Mine (Armstrong and Party), Ten-mile. —Development-work having been completed, all coal was won by pillar-extraction. In this particular case the straight-line method of taking out pillars has proved very successful. Brady and Party's Mine, Ten-mile. —Two levels are being developed to the west of the main dip in goodquality coal 10ft. thick. Kaye and Party's Mine, Ten-mile. —The work at this mine is in the nature of prospecting. Two levels are being driven in a westerly direction in good-quality coal 10 ft. thick. Hunter and Party's Mine, Dunollie.—The pillars in the rise section have been worked back to approximately 7 chains from the mine-entrance. An area to the dip is being developed in a northerly direction in coal 3 ft. 6 in. thick. Schultz Greek Mine (Marshall and Party), Twelve-mile. —As all development-work to the rise of the mam level has been completed, the output is now solely won from pillar-extraction. Dennehy's Mine, Twelve-mile. —No work was done during the year. Gain's Mine, Bapahoe.—The bulk of the coal was mined from the pillars. At the end of the year two miners were engaged developing a small area recently added to the lease on the south side of the old workings. . Bdlbird Mine (Fauth and Party), Ten-mile. —Development-work in the dip was stopped owing to the coal-seam becoming thin and dirty. The output towards the end of the year was won from the pillars on the rise-side and to the east of the main dip. Bellvue Mine (Hadcroft and Party), Bapahoe.—The output during the year was won from the pillars, no development-work being done. Jubilee Mine (Finn and- Party), Bapahoe.—All the coal was won from the old mine and the plant was withdrawn. Arrangements have been made to open up a new area about 5 chains to the south-west of the top mine-workings. Gliffside Mine (Moore and Party), Nine-mile. —The coal-seam in the ongmal mine was cut oft by a fault lying at an acute angle to the two levels which were being developed in a south-easterly direction. Prospecting was done over this 30 ft. upthrow fault, and towards the end of the year levels were being driven in good-quality coal 9 ft. in thickness. Smith and Party's Mine, Dunollie. —The bottom levels were carried to a distance of 17 chains in a northerly direction. Owing to there being no improvement in the thickness of the coal this work was abandoned and the solid places were developed to the full rise, where the thickness of the seam was from 5 ft. to 5 ft. 6 in. Braehead Mine (Boote and Party), Dunollie.—The output from this mine wa,s won partly from pillarextraction in the rise section and development in the dip section. The main dip was advanced 2 chains and showed 6 ft. good-quality coal. During the year a 20 h.p. electric winch and 5 h.p. electric pump were' installed to replace the compressed air plant. Bemarks on Go-operative Mines in Grey District. No extensive development-work was undertaken during the year. The bulk of the coal was won from pillar-extraction. The output from this source shows an increase of 8,974 tons over the output for 1935. Reeiton District. Archer's Mines, Gapleston. —Development-work on the north side of the stone-drive was continued during the year. The seam is at an angle of 60° and the coal is only of fair quality. All coal in the south side (Oliphant's section) was extracted to a safe distance from the stone-drive. Preparations have been made to drive to the dip on No. 2 seam in what is termed the Top Mine. Goghlan's Freehold Mine, Gapleston.—All coal mined during the year was won from pillar-extraction from the top section. In the bottom section the main level was cleaned up and retimbered to the face a distance of 700 ft. . . , T 0 Waitahu Mine (A. D. Williams), Beefton.—Very little work was done during the year m JSIo. I seam. The coal is of poor quality. In No. 3 seam development-work was continued. The seam is split with a stone band of 3 ft. in, thickness. There is good quality coal 3 ft. thick above the band and 5 ft. below it. Venture Mine (Old Birchwood Mine), J. and I. Patterson's Lease, Beefton.—This mine remained closed throughout the year. . Morrisvale Collieries, Beefton—Perfection Mine : No work was done during the year. Surprise Mine: The main dip was extended a further 10 chains. Levels were driven east and west off the dip for the purpose of opening up panels. The pair of levels going east were driven 4 chains, when inferior and stony coal was met with. The levels going west were also driven 4 chains, and the coal m these levels was of fair quality. This mine is owned by Mr. W. J. Morris, but has been operated by the Perfection Collieries Syndicate. At the end of the year the pumps were withdrawn and the mine closed, the Syndicate having decided to discontinue operations. Burke's Creek Collieries, Ltd., Beefton.—The year's output was mined from the mam level on the southwest side of the main dip. Approximately two-thirds of the pillars have been extracted from No. 2 panel and a commencement was made to open up No. 3 panel. The main development levels were driven 34 chains from the dip, and encountered soft coal. For the purpose of prospecting the coal-seam farther to the dip of the present workings a dip was driven from the main level a distance of chains in goodquality coal. The roof of the seam is very heavy, consequently it is necessary to use substantial roofsUVVPeerless Mine (Williams and Party, Burke's Greek Lease).—Five men were employed developing a block of coal on the rise side of the Burke's Creek coal lease. Two parallel levels, together with cut-throughs, were driven a distance of 10 chains. The seam is 12 ft. in thickness, and the coal is of fair quality. Times Street Mine (11. A. Honey's Lease), Beefton.—The No. 4 seam is worked m this mine, and as there was very little demand, other than local, for this coal, very little work was done during the year. Times Street Mine (Old Terrace Mine owned by W. Blackadder and worked by Bennett and Party), Reefton Three men were employed working the No. 4 seam on Bennett's lease, the coal won being hauled through Honey's Times Street Mine. The seam is approximately 30 ft. in thickness, but is very friable consequently, there is, not much demand other than local for this coal.