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Alluvial Minis g. Marlborough County. Gullen's Greek, Mahakipawa. Waitangi ««.— M. Jobson, manager, and eight men employed. From the bottom of a shaft, J 1Ē; ? T0 (jroM - ,n,nni e Syndicate carried out some driving east and south of then- shaft, and produced 71 oz 17 dwt. 23 gr. of gold valued at £537 17s. Bd. The company held a small area at the upper end ot the valley adjacent to the old Kmg ,Solomon shaft, but failure to locate payable wash led to the cessation 01 operations and the removal of all the company's electrical plant. Sparkes and Party —This party of four men sunk a shaft 70 ft. for the purpose ot exploiting a block of unworked ground left between the King Solomon and Hibernian shafts. Their shaft bottomed in old workings and considerable trouble and delay ensued from the amount of water that had to be dealt with owing to the cessation ot pumping operations by the Mahakipawa Goldfields, Ltd. Deep Greek, Wakamarina. J. B. Torrance and C, Mahon are ground-sluicing on the eastern bank of the Wakamarina River. Several parties are winning fair returns from the Mountain Camp and Deep Creek areas. Another ground-sluicing claim held by btraker and party will be in operation shortly, and returns from alluvia] mining in this area tend to increase with a smaller number of men employed. One hundred and forty-two men were employed in the Marlborough County, winning 537 oz. 18 dwt 17 gr of gold, valued at £3,740 Us. 7d. These figures include the number of men employed and the gold won bv the Grove Gold-mining Syndicate. * Gollingwood Comity. . i Dia " wnd ' s J lat Gold-mining Co., Ltd.—This company operates a sluicing claim situated on the south bank oi the Aorere Kiver at Rockville. Mr. J. A. J. McLaren is manager, and six men are employed. Bv groundsluicing, approximately 8,250 cubic yards of material was treated for a recovery of 119 oz. 6 dwt. 2 gr. of gold, which realized £824 7s. od. The company is negotiating for the valuable water rights and dam held oy Iviouat and bona, and if these are acquired increased output and returns will bo possible. 'hie hundred and forty-one men were employed in the Gollingwood County, winning 619 oz. 16 dwt. 1 gr. of gold, valued at £4,114 12s. These figures include the number of men employed and the gold won bv the Diamond s Flat Gold-mining Co., Ltd. Takaka County. Glover's Flat Gold Syndicate.—Manoy Bros, employed three men ground-sluicing on the Anatoki Kiver fclats. A long tail-race has been constructed and water laid on. Although prospects are good, the removal oi heavy boulders encountered in the wash is a serious obstacle to working the claim at a profit. One hundred and nineteen men were employed in the Takaka County, winning 294 oz. 9 dwt. 2 gr. of gold valued at £1,909 os. 3d. These figures include the men employed by Manov Bros. Wciimea County. Wangapeka, Baton, due.—Alluvial mining in these areas is carried out on a small scale by men receiving the subsidy provided by the Department of Labour. Fifty-one men were employed, winning 116 oz 1 dwt. 10 gr. of gold, valued at £789 ss. Murchison County. Glenroy Gold, Ltd.—This company, employing four men on tribute, sluiced approximately 20,000 cubic yards of wash and overburden for a recovery of 105 oz. 11 dwt. 23 gr. of gold, which realized £746 8s 10d The total amount of gold won by the company from this area amounts to 414 oz. 3 dwt 21 <rr valued at' £3,185 16s. sd. s ' A considerable number of men continue to win gold from the Maggie and Maud Creeks, the latter area having proved highly remunerative to several parties. A considerable yardage from unworked blocks is still available, but this cannot be profitably handled on a small scale and without an adequate water-supply. The Mines Department is subsidizing an experiment to work deep and swift-flowing rivers by a" drag-line process at Newton -Flat. A section of the Buller River has been pegged out by a Nelson syndicate, and Mr. FX W. Tait, the designer of the plant, is in charge of the assembly operations, which are progressing favourably. If this plant is successful it will open up possibilities in other localities where similar conditions prevail. Areas that are too small or are in other wa-ys unsuitable for dredging and impossible to work by anv known methods may then be exploited by a similar equipment to that now undergoing a trial. Three hundred and thirty-eight men were employed in the Murchison County, winning 2,187 oz. 9 dwt. 5 gr. of gold, valued at £15,667 9s. Id. Those figures include the men employed" and the gold won bv the Glenroy Gold, Ltd., but not the dredges. Buller County. Addison's Flat Gold-mining Co., Ltd. (J. M. Powell, Manager).—Operating on the cemented gravels at Addison's, this company employed nine men and recovered 416 oz. 7 dwt. 12 gr. of gold, which realized £3,387 19s. sd. Since commencing operations this company has won 1,851 oz. 9 dwt. 20 gr. of gold, valued at 16s. 3d., and has paid £2,795 in dividends. Waratea Sluicing Syndicate.—This syndicate employed three men for a short period on an extended alluvial claim of 5 acres situated in Block V. Kawatiri Survey District. An inadequate water-supply and difficulty in disposing of tailings limited the output for the time worked. Gold won amounted to 13 oz. 6 dwt. 6 gr. which realized £101 6s. Giles' Terrace Sluicing Co.—Operations on this claim have been chiefly confined to development - work in connection with their claims and pipe-lines. No gold was won during the period, sluicing being confined to removing overburden. A considerable decrease in the number of men engaged in alluvial mining in this county is recorded for the year. In 1935 five hundred and sixty-one men were employed. In the period under review the number was two hundred and seventy-five, and these men produced 1,256 oz. 16 dwt. 22 gr. of gold, valued at £9,310 12s. Id. These figures include the number of men employed and the returns of the Addison's Flat Gold-mining Co., Ltd.! and the Waratea Sluicing Syndicate. Inangahua County. Waitahu Gold-mining Co., Ltd. (P. P. Thomas, Manager).—This company operated steadily during the period and mined 294,000 cubic yards of material, from which 803 oz. 0 dwt. 19 gr. of gold was recovered, realizing £5,977 7s. 4cl. Twelve men were in constant employment on three shifts worked daily. The total yield for the company since the commencement of its operations amounts to 2,126 oz. 10 dwt. 21 gr., valued at £15,962 12s. lOd. Mount David Sluicing Co., Ltd. (G. W. Baird, Manager).—After operating the claim for approximately six months, the Mount David Development Co. failed to make payments due by them to the original company and the receivers entered into possession in August. Collapse of water-race tunnels and low values accounted for the low return of 40 oz. 19 dwt. 6 gr. of gold, valued at £301 Bs. 10d., won by the three men employed by the company. Since the commencement of operations this claim has yielded 499 oz. 5 dwt. 4 gr. of gold, valued at £3,405 4s. 2d.