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B.—l [PT. IV].

DEPARTMENT OP INTERNAL AFFAIRS. HEAD OFFICE (INCLUDING SUBDIVISIONS I, 111, IV, VIII, AND SPECIAL ACTS). Income and Expenditure Account foe the Yeae ended 31st March, 1936. Expenditure. Income. Departmental Administrative fee,, eomSaiaries .. ..23,351 3 4 BrMish Nationality of Aliens Act 698 15 6 Commissions of Inquiry .. .. Cinematograph films, censorship Freight and cartage .. .. V 6 £ of • 2,216 9 6 Fresh-water fisheries .. .. 4,656 6 6 By-laws Act '330 Light, power, and water .. .. 050 18 9 Land Agents Act .. .. 6,969 13 10 Office-cleaning ™ " Opossum revenue .. .. 2,763 511 Postage ■; •• •• „ Passport fees .. .. 3,269 22 Printing and stationery .. .. j Deer herds, reduction of .. 3,477 8 4 Publications .. .. •• Fresh-water fisheries .. .. 5,949 12 8 Rent of offices .. .. • • , Totalizators, inspection of 1,030 8 3 Telephone services • • • • ' , . . _ ' Interest on loan .. .. 44 7 0 Travelling-expenses of officers .. 634 lb 1 Imperial War Graves Commission 2,836 0 0 Deer herds, reduction of .. •• > Miscellaneous revenue .. .. 412 9 6 Entertaining visitors to New Zealand 3,690 15 6 — 29,979 10 8 Totalizators, inspection of .. 1 ® Balance carried down .. .. •• 326,711 5 3 Turnbull Library, expenses ol .. ■>•-> I 14 » War graves, upkeep of .. •• 1,927 12 6 Depreciation .. •• •• 1,378 0 3* Losses in suspense .. . • 247 9 0 Sundries .. •• '1® 11 8 51,931 10 3 General Public Service Administrative Charges. £ s. d. Salaries •• 66,673 18 10 Fuel for Government offices .. 1,589 18 11 Light, power, and water .. . . 4,958 8 8 Printing and stationery for Minister's offices 1,275 12 5 Publications for Ministers'offices .. 360 11 0 Telephone services . • • ■ 1,323 10 0 Travelling allowances and expenses of Ministers .. 5,013 7 1 Travelling allowances and expenses of private secretaries .. •• 2,300 16 7 Travelling allowances and expenses of ministerial staff . • • • 477 9 10 Office-cleaning .. ■■ 1,989 11 8 Ministerial telegraphic memoranda 5,350 0 0 New Zealand Gazette .. • • 3,265 18 11 Charges not allocated .. • • 275 311 95,402 13 8 Special Acts. £ s. d. Salaries . • •• •• 20,012 14 10 Appropriation Act, 1926, section 15 1,873 5 8 F ; 21,886 0 6 Other Charges. £ s. d. Cost-of-living bonus to annuitants 1,912 6 8 Grants •• •• 8,540 9 3 Companies Act: Expenses in connection with special investigation 70 1 3 Jubilee Celebrations in New Zealand, expenses in connection with .. 13,670 19 3 Jubilee Celebrations, London : Expenses of New Zealand delegates 4,209 12 8 Death of His Majesty King George V : Cost of draping Government Buildings . • • • • • 152 9 4 Public Service Superannuation Fund, contribution to • • .. 86,000 0 0 Superannuation Funds : Increased allowances to widows and children 12,332 0 9 Reimbursement on account of reduction in rate of interest .. 49,635 0 0 Roval Visit, expenses in connection with 3,216 19 0 Subsidies to Fire Boards .. .. 3,367 18 7 Visit of Minister of Finance to England : Expenses .. •• 4,009 15 8 187,470 11 6 £356,690 15 11 £356,690 15 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance brought down .. •• .. 326,711 5 3 Miscellaneous revenue .. .. •• 74 19 8 Interest on capital 1,333 19 5 Balance carried to Balance-sheet .. ..327,970 5 0 £328,045 4 8 £328,045 4 8 * Allowances for depreciation consist of: Buildings, £371 19s. 2d. ; furniture and fittings, £666 7s. 7d.; mechanical appliances £39 38s. Bd.; library, £14 Is fid • tools and utensils £26 ss. lOd.; launches, £16 7s. sd. ; traps, horses, and dogs, £2 4s. ; wharves and beacons, £9 16s. Bd.; motor-vehicles 1178 os. 4d.; outfit, £2 4s. ; hunting-equipment, £15 2s. Id. ; camp-equipment, £41 4s. Id.: total, £1,378 os. 3d.