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Laid on the Table of the House of Representatives.


Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Thursday, the 16th Day op April, 1936. Ordered, " That a Native Affairs Committee, consisting, by leave, of sixteen members, be appointed to consider all petitions, reports, returns, and other documents relating to affairs especially affecting the Native race that may be referred to it, and from time to time to report thereon to this House: the Committee to consist of Mr. Broadfoot, Mr. C. H. Burnett, Mr. Christie, the Right Hon. Mr. Coates, Mr. Cullen, Mr. Henare, Mr. Lowry, Mr. Moncur, the Hon. Sir Apirana Ngata, Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Ratana, Captain Rushworth, Mr. Smith, Mr. Thorn, Mr. Tirikatene, and the Mover." —(Hon. Mr. Savage.) Thursday, the 14th Bay of May, 1936. Memorandum for the Chairman, Native Affairs Committee: — " Pursuant to section 27 (3) of the Native Purposes Act, 1933, Paper No. 48 (Report and recommendation on Petition No. 381 of 1929, of Roka Mereliana and others: Praying that the Native Land Court be empowered to rehear Te Reureu Nos. 2 and 3 Blocks) stands referred to the Native Affairs Committee." Memorandum for the Chairman, Native Affairs Committee: — u Pursuant to section 27 (3) of the Native Purposes Act, 1933, Paper No. 49 (Report and recommendation on Petition No. 199 of .1932, of Pura Ruruhira and others: Praying for an inquiry and readjustment of the partition of the Reureu No. 1 Block) stands referred to the Native Affairs Committee." Wednesday, the 20th Bay op May, 1936. Memorandum for the Chairman, Native Affairs Committee: — " Pursuant to section 9 of the Native Purposes Act, 1934, Paper No. 53 (Report and recommendation on Petition No. 262 of 1933, of Hari Wi Katene and others; Petition No. 123 of 1934, of Waka Rawiri and another; and Petition No. 329 of 1934-35, of J. A. Elkington and others, regarding Wakapuaka Block) stands referred to the Native Affairs Committee." Wednesday, the 28th Bay op May, 1936. Memoranda for the Chairman, Native Affairs Committee: — " Pursuant to section 9 of the Native Purposes Act, 1934, Paper No. 59 (Report and recommendation on Petition No. 136 of 1934, of Te Kata Tamihana and others: Praying for rectification of titles of Native reserves in Town of Rotorua) stands referred to the Native Affairs Committee." " Pursuant to section 9 of the Native Purposes Act, 1934, Paper No. 60 (Report and recommendation on Petition No. 55 of 1928, of Pirika Te Miroi and others, and Petition No. 146 of 1934, of Wiremu Keepa Patahuri and others: Praying for relief in respect of the administration and acquisition of the PukeroaOruawhata Block, Town of Rotorua, by the Crown) stands referred to the Native Affairs Committee." Saturday, the 6th Bay op June, 1936. Ordered " That the petition of Te Puehu Ngamahanga be referred direct to the Native Affairs Committee."—(Mr. Broadfoot, for Hon. Sir Apirana Ngata.)

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