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No. 167.—Petition of F. A. Cullen, of Christehureh. Praying for increased superannuation allowance. I have the honour to report that the Public Petitions A to L Committee has again carefully considered this petition and has no recommendation to make. 20th October, 1936.

No. 152, 1935. —Petition of G. W. Drew, of Auckland. Praying for additional compensation for death of son whilst employed by the Public Works Department. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for most favourable consideration. 22nd October, 1936.

No. 134.—Petition of W. Burfield, of Hastings. Praying for a grant to cover losses arising out of the Hawke's Bay earthquake. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 22nd October, 1936.

No. 213. —Petition of G. Kirkbride, of Waimana. Praying that he be reimbursed from public funds in respect of a sum of money twice paid for work carried out under an unemployment relief scheme, and for refund of Court costs in connection therewith. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for most favourable consideration, and the Committee recommends that the petitioner should be reimbursed from unemployment funds in respect of the sum of money twice paid by him for work carried out under Unemployment No. 4b Scheme, 22nd October, 1936.

No. 221.—Petition of W. R. Andrews and 36 Others. Praying for an inquiry into the proceedings during the investigation of the affairs of the Investment Executive Trust of New Zealand, Limited, and that they be heard. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee the petition should be referred to the Government for inquiry. The Committee has grave doubts as to whether justice has been done to the petitioning debenture-holders, and recommends that an inquiry be conducted by a competent tribunal to be appointed by the Government for the purpose of making a thorough investigation into the whole field of investment and company promotion, the inquiring tribunal to report to Parliament as to the best means of safeguarding the interests of the investing public and the Dominion generally. 22nd October, 1936.

No. 110 and No. 111. —Petitions of Gladys U. Harding and Janet Taylor. Praying for compensation for damage to property by fire allegedly originating on the Railway Department's property. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 28th October, 1936.

No. 165.—Petition of C. H. Hogg, of Wellington. Praying for compensation for loss of employment and earnings, and for reinstatement in the Post and Telegraph Department. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 28th October, 1936.

No. 173.—Petition of W. Aitken, of Christchurch. Praying for compensation for loss suffered by fire allegedly caused by employees of the Public Works Department. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 28th October, 1936.

No. 235. —Petition of R. W. Campbell and Another. Praying that legislation be enacted granting them the right of a new trial. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 28th October, 1936.