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PART XVI.—SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS. PAGE 7. Fruit trade to be under direction of Director of Agriculture or General Manager 7. Appointment of citrus expert as understudy to Director of Agriculture. 7. Appointment of understudy to citrus expert. 7. Inauguration of long-term planting plan. 7. Obtaining advice with view to placing fruitgrowing industry on proper basis. 8. Strengthening of Land Court and Survey staff. 8. Establishment of demonstration citrus areas. 8. Encouragement of Native growers to replant defined areas. 8. Importation, propagation, and distribution of citrus plants to growers. 8. Provision of systematic supervision for compulsory manuring and rotation of crops. 8. Establishment of central packing-shed and cool store at Avarua. 9. Organizing marketing methods in New Zealand (joint report to follow). 9. Establishment of tribunal for assessing existing Native debts and alteration of law in regard thereto. 9. Regulation of fruit shipments from the Cook Islands, with special consideration for Southern markets. 9. Provision of adequate suitable shipping service between Cook Islands and North and South Islands. 9. Itineraries of fruit-carrying vessels to include Southern ports. 9. Allocation of shipping-space to be investigated. 9. Investigation of freight charges. 9. Inauguration of system of field cases for harvesting fruit (Rarotonga). 9. Organizing a system of collection and delivery of fruit (Rarotonga). 9. Marking of cases : Greater degree of uniformity. 10. Fruit-case timbers to be improved. 10. Investigation into question of shipping bananas in bunches. 10. Investigation for purpose of improving landing facilities at Outer Islands. 10. Improvement of roads at Outer Islands. 10. Provision of shipping for Mitiaro Island. 10. Orange-juice : Protection. 11. Closer liaison between Islands and Parliament, and regular visits by members. We have, &c., J. Robektson, Chairman. C. L. Hunter, Member. S. G. Holland, Member. Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (804 copies), £14.

By Authority: G. H. Loney, Government Printer, Wellington.—l 936.

Price 6d.]