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in 1934, and were examined by Mr. Taylor, who was in London at the time. This too, is a useful collection, for Stephens was a surveyor of the New Zealand Company in Nelson, and his records cover the period 1840-54. These letters, &c., are now being copied. All works copied are indexed before binding, so that the fullest use call be made of them. Visitors.—Over 1,200 visitors were shown over the Library this year, as compared with 900 the previous year. Internal Arrangements.—Correspondence inwards and outwards numbered about 3,600 letters, an increase over last year's total. In an endeavour to provide better service, the hours have been extended by two hours per day. In addition, the " open door " system has been adopted with marked appreciation from readers and visitors. The telephone locations were also altered, so that inquirers could more immediately receive attention. Conclusion. I desire to express appreciation of the willing and efficient service rendered to me by officers of the Department at all times. I have also to gratefully acknowledge the valuable assistance rendered by other Government Departments throughout the year.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (529 copies), £18 10s.

By Authority: 6. H. Loney, Government Printer, Wellington. —1936,

Price 6d.]