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Caretaker, Little Barrier Bird Sanctuary. " The rainfall was much in excess of previous seasons, amounting to 72 in. Weather records were regularly forwarded to the Meteorological Department. The number of seine-fishing boats is on the increase, and the owners, a fine type of men, have the greatest respect and regard for the Sanctuary. " The coast-line is frequently traversed in pursuit of cats, which get a quick dispatch, and are certainly less in number. There has been no indication whatsoever of any unlawful landing. " The main track, as well as the others, are continually traversed and kept open, but every gale and storm uproots dead trees and sometimes live ones, which have to be cut out. Traverses of the stream-beds in the dry season give an excellent idea of the bird-life. I feel quite safe in saying that all forms of this are increasing ; at times the forest rings with their music, and I rarely enter the bush without seeing stitch-birds. " All works have been maintained." Tourist Agent, Te Aroha. " Bath-buildings, Drinking-fountains, &c. —The various bath-buildings, drinking-fountains, springs, &c., have been kept in good order during the year. Forty-two cans of mineral water were sent to Rotorua, as against fifty-one for last year. " Gardens and Playing-areas. —The grounds have been kept in good order during the year. The abundance of rain made the flower-beds a pleasure to see. Despite the weather, the games have been well patronized. „ . . " Mount Te Aroha. —The various tracks have been kept in good order. Large numbers of visitors and residents have made the climb of 3,126 ft., the native bush and wonderful views being the attraction. " Fishing and Shooting.—The upper reaches of the Waihou River have yielded some good catches, while good bags of wild duck were secured early in the season, and godwit, dotterel, and curlew were plentiful along the Thames Coast, Waihi Beach, and Tauranga Harbour. " Music in the Domain.—-The Te Aroha Municipal Band has rendered a good number of programmes in the Domain during the year, which were well attended and much appreciated. The band is playing well. . " X-ray Apparatus. —Eighty-five patients were X-rayed. The apparatus was overhauled m December, 1935, and is in good order. " Weather. —Rain was recorded on 202 days, with a total fall of 70 in. Records were forwarded to the Meteorological Department. _ ;; " General. —Maintenance work was carried out. A new croquet-lawn was made during the year. Acting District Manager, Rotorua. "It is gratifying to note that the total receipts show an increase over the previous year, which itself created a record. The majority of the sections show an improvement, the largest being in the electrical. The water and drainage charges also represent an increase, though this is due no doubt to the natural growth of Rotorua as one of the premier tourist resorts of New Zealand. Bath-fee receipts are also somewhat higher than last year, indicating the popularity of the baths both from the medicinal and recreational points of view. " Round Trip receipts indicate the return to better times, and would have been even larger but for the inclement weather at the end of the season. Launch and boat hire returns are also improved, mainly as a result of the better fishing in Lake Tarawera, which proved most popular. " The playing-areas have been very popular, and, although a small decrease in returns is shown, this is due also to the unseasonable weather. There was also a slight decrease in the number of Sanatorium patients and consequently in fees, but indications are that more advantage will be taken of the facilities provided during the coming year. " The only other decrease of note is in passenger booking, but this can be traced to the improved facilities now "available at the terminal bureaux at Auckland and Wellington, most visitors having already completed their booking-arrangements before arriving in Rotorua. Nevertheless, the usefulness of the Rotorua bureau in affording facilities for providing information, booking-arrangements, and other services renders it essential. f The overseas cruise visitors came in great numbers, and all arrangements for their entertainment worked smoothly and were thoroughly appreciated. " The office rebuilding scheme is now practically complete, and the separation of the various sections has resulted in increased efficiency, while the appearance of the bureau is now worthy of the importance of the town as a tourist centre. It is easily located by the Neon sign. " Buildings. —No new buildings were erected, but maintenance work has been regularly carried out. As a result of the change-over in electric supply from 110 volts to 230 volts, alterations in the store to provide additional room for equipment were made. The carpenters and painters also visited the Chateau and Waitomo Hotel to carry out certain work. " Electrical Section. —Very satisfactory progress has been made in the change-over in voltage, and 160 consumers have already been attended to. All new installations, of course, are now supplied with 230-volt connections wherever possible. It has been necessary to erect duplicate 230-volt lines and transformers to carry the load until the main connections are changed over. Judging from results, the change-over is most acceptable to consumers, both new and old. Extension of certain lines to new