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Section 3 (3), Public Revenues Act, 1926. Appended is a statement of the items representing moneys and stores which require the authority of Parliament for their final writing-off and discharge from the Public Account. Staff. Increased work and responsibility is thrown on the Audit Office year by year by new legislation, which necessitates an increased number of trained auditors to comply with requirements. It has been found very difficult to provide an efficient staff to keep pace with the work, and at present there is a shortage of trained officers. Officers with Audit experience are frequently offered, by local bodies and Government Departments, positions involving promotion and increased salaries, and the Audit Office then finds it necessary to obtain, through the Commissioner, the transfer of officers with some experience from other Departments. It is with much satisfaction that I have to record my appreciation of the high standard of efficiency achieved by the staff in carrying out the work entailed in examining the revenue and expenditure of Government accounts and accounts of local bodies. lam indebted to the various Government Departments and local authorities for their co-operation and for the facilities provided, by which Inspectors and Examiners were able to carry out their duties smoothly and expeditiously. My special thanks are due to the Crown Law Office, to which many involved legal questions were referred for decision during the year, and also to the officers of the Police Department for their ready and valuable assistance in all cases which called for Court action. •* G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General. Audit Office, Wellington, 13th August, 1936.