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Courthouses. For a number of years courthouse accommodation in many centres has been inadequate, and it became evident during the year that the additions and alterations then contemplated in a few centres would not meet the Justice Department's needs as a whole to any great extent. The matter has been reviewed, and it is now possible in accordance with the Government's general building policy to commence a definite and steady programme of additions which, within the next two or three years, will place accommodation on a satisfactory basis. The Department of Justice is in close collaboration with the Government Architect in all projected work to ensure that design and layout will provide for convenience and expedition of court and office work, and that the special interior features peculiar to courthouses in the matter of heating,, lighting, acoustics, strong-room accommodation, &c., are given full consideration. The total expenditure for the year ended 31st March last was £8,701, and was incurred on new work which included the completion of the new Wairoa Courthouse, new Putaruru Courthouse, approaching completion of additions at Palmerston North, and also the commencement of the new library additions at the Auckland Supreme Court. A site for the new courthouse at Invercargill was also purchased. For the year ending 31st March, 1937, a total estimated capital expenditure of approximately £39,000 is being provided for on account, and it is proposed to proceed with the new courthouses at Ashburton. Blenheim, Invercargill, and Kaeo, and extensive reconstruction at Christchurch and alterations at Auckland. Prison Buildings and Works. Due to the decreasing population at prison and borstal institutions it has not been necessary to consider further housing-accommodation during the year. The total net expenditure from capital funds during the year amounted to £2,123. This included a wool-shed at Hautu Prison Farm, milking-machinery at No. 1 Dairy, Waikeria Borstal Farm, and an electric ironer at the Women's Borstal, Wellington. For the current year it has been found necessary to consider a number of improvements to plant and equipment which have been deferred over the depression period. At several institutions laundering was carried on under somewhat unsatisfactory conditions, and improved laundering conditions at Invercargill, Point Halswell, Waikeria, and Addington are provided for in the current year's estimates, and except at Invercargill the installations are at present under way. Other principal works for the current year are the installation of a meatchiller at Waikeria for the supply of Mount Eden Prison with meat, and the provision of two additional cottages at that institution to meet the shortage whicli at present exists. Police-stations. The net expenditure on police-stations during the year was £6,710. A policestation was erected at Tikitiki, and a new lock-up at Palmerston North. Additions were made to the Central Police-station at Auckland ; a house and land were purchased for use as a police-station at Half-moon Bay, Stewart Island, and a site for police purposes was acquired at Kaeo. Several of the police-stations in the larger towns, notably those at YVhangarei, Wanganui, Napier, Palmerston North, Nelson, Greymouth, and Timaru, are very old buildings, which provide inadequate accommodation and are rapidly approaching the end of their period of usefulness. They will require to be replaced in the near future by buildings suitable for presentday requirements. Post and Telegraph Buildings and Land. The capital expenditure on erection of Post and Telegraph buildings and garages amounted to £97,800. During the year new post-office buildings were erected at Toko and Petone, and additions were made to the Rotorua and Wellsford buildings.