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The scheme, which originated in the Miner's Phthisis Act, 1915, is administered by the Pensions Department, and the following summary of operations for the year ended 31st March, 1936, has been supplied by the Commissioner of Pensions : — Payments from Ist November, 1915, to 31st March, £ 1935 .. .. .. .. .. 752,371 Payments, 1935-36 .. .. .. .. 67,834 £820,205 Number of new grants for year 1935-36 — Miners . . . . .. . . 119 Widows .. .. .. .. 23 142 Annual value of new grants .. .. .. £13,589 Number of pensions in force at 31st March, 1936 — Miners .. .. .. 717 Widows . . .. .. .. 134 —- 851 Annual value of pensions in force at 31st March, 1936 £73,331 Average pension per annum . . . . .. £86 3s. sd. Number of pensions granted to 31st March, 1936 . . 2,391 Dissection of pensions in force at 31st March, 1936 — Unmarried miners .. .. .. .. 207 Married miners .. .. .. .. 510 Miners' widows .. .. .. .. 134 851 COAL-MINERS' RELIEF FUND. The Coal-miners' Sick and Accident Funds having been abolished as from the Ist April, 1926, and incorporated in the Coal-miners' Relief Fund, all accident relief payments are now made from the latter fund, which is administered by the Public Trustee. The rate of interest allowed on the fond was decreased from 4 per cent, to 31 per cent, as-from the Ist April, 1933. The interest earned for the twelve months ended 31st March, 1936, was £872 9s. 3d., as against £837 10s. 3d. for the previous year, while for the same periods the receipts from the Jd. per ton contributions were £4,150 18s. 7d. and £4,094 4s. sd. respectively. The total expenditure for the year ended 31st March, 1936, amounted to £3,880 19s. Id., as against £4,199 3s. Id. for the previous year. The amount standing to the credit of the fund at the 31st March, 1936, was £25,625 95., as against £24,482 os. 3d. at the 31st March, 1935. STATE AID TO MINING. (a) Mines Department. As in previous years, considerable use was made of the Government prospecting drills. Tliey were hired by nineteen parties, and a total of 20,827 ft. was drilled. The five alluvial drills manufactured in New Zealand in 1933 have been in constant use and have given good service. The sum of £4,363 was voted for expenditure by way of subsidies for prospecting. The balance of unexpended authorities at the 31st March, 1935, and those issued during the year, less cancellations, amounted to £4,815 15s. 6d. Of this amount, £1,928 lis. 9d. was expended by way of actual subsidies during the year, leaving a balance of £2,887 3s. 9d. authorized but not spent at the 31st March, 1936. The number of men given employment through the subsidies granted by the Mines Department was 46. In addition, the Department found the sum of £81 2s. towards the cost of supervising prospectors subsidized from the Employment Promotion Fund.