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Town and Suburban Surveys.-—A total area of 321 acres chiefly in Otago and Southland is proposed to be subdivided for residential purposes. Rural Settlement.—ln this class there are areas amounting to approximately 30,000 acres to be subdivided during the coming year. Native Land Surveys.—The area in hand is very small, requisitions for survey totalling 3,500 acres only having been issued. Office Work.—With an increase in the number of surveys coming forward the office staff will be kept very busy during the year. General. Map Publications.—The Chief Draughtsman's report appended hereto gives details of maps published and of sales and issues during the year. It will be noticed that royalty fees collected for the year amounted to £233, equal to one-fifth of the cash sales to the public. Warrants of Title. —One hundred and sixty-four warrants for the issue of certificates of title were examined and certified to under section 13 of the Land Transfer Act, 1915. Nine Proclamations of road-lines under the Native Land Act and one under section 106 of the Lands for Settlements Act, 1925, were dealt with during the year. Earth Movements, Hawlce's Bay— Third order triangulation in the Wairoa District executed in 1934 disclosed serious differences between it and the second order work done in the early part of 1932. It was decided to revise the second order work as well as check portions of the third order, and nineteen second order stations from Mohaka eastwards were accordingly reoccupied. On adjustment it was found that movement had taken place at nine stations, while at several others movement was suspected, but could not be definitely proved. The movement comprises two distinct trends—first a movement due south of approximately 2 links along the coastal range running due east from Wairoa ; and second, a movement to the north-east of approximately 1 link at the northwards of Wairoa. The probable origin of this movement is no doubt the earthquake of 15th September, 1932, which caused considerable damage in the locality. Staff. The technical branch has lost the services of Mr. H. A. Joyce, Chief Clerk and Accountant, Surveys and Drainage, Auckland, through death, and of Mr. S. B. Smith, Senior Draughtsman, Dunedin, retired after forty years' service, and Mr. C. W. Lind, retired on account of ill-health. The staff has carried out its duties in a most praiseworthy manner, and its work is much appreciated by the various Chief Surveyors and myself. H. E. Walsiie, Surveyor-General.


HEAD OFFICE, DRAUGHTING BRANCH. Map Publication.—The number of editions of maps published during the year was 83, and the total cost of printing £1,040. The maps comprised survey districts (§ mile to 1 in.), 25 ; survey districts (1 mile to 1 in.), 34 ; counties (1 mile to 1 in.), 9 ; territorial (4 miles to 1 in.), 4 ; towns, 5; miscellaneous, 6. The number of maps printed being 18,891. In addition to the above a further publication of 1,200 road-maps of the North Island (in two sheets) for the Wellington Automobile Association was printed, making the total number printed under all headings 20,091. Cash sales of lithos from all districts amounted to £1,290, purchases by other Departments £804, and the value of maps issued free or used in the office totalled £1,530. Royalties obtained from maps based wholly or partly on the Department's records and published by private firms or companies amounted to £233 9s. lid. Town Schemes.—The number of town schemes approved during the year was approximately the same as for the previous year, although the total area subdivided was considerably less. A total of 154 scheme plans were approved, about 40 per cent, of which were in the Auckland and North Auckland Land Districts, and 20 per cent, in Canterbury, the balance being divided between the other land districts. Analysis of the schemes show that 412 acres outside the boundaries of boroughs and town districts were subdivided into residential lots, and of this area new roads accounted for 27 acres, recreation and other reserves 16 acres, leaving a balance of 369 acres subdivided into lots available for sale. Draughtsmen's and Computers' Examination.—The annual examination was held in September, 1935, when 29 candidates presented themselves for examination. The results were as follows—Draughting : 16 candidates, of whom 2 obtained first-grade passes (Messrs. K. V. Kennedy and C. R. Lane), and 5 obtained second-grade passes (Messrs. G. H. Ennis, C. R. Lanning, E. Ngahuia, G. L. Redward, and A. M. Terry). Computing : 13 candidates, of whom 2 obtained second-grade passes (Messrs. F. N. Smith and C. T. T. Webb).