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B.—l IPT. 11.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1 934-1 935



Year ended 31st March, Year 193*) ended 31st March, j 1 1934. , EXPENDITURE. L — Net. Gross. Credits. Met. 98%3 2*7 An Vote—PubUc Works', Departmental j g ® ' Cr 29'372 lli 5 I : S:yX?rovemLt 3 and Addition to 6pen Lines 1 J$S" 2 9 ',642 972 19 10 ,1 I " courthouses ! " !! '532 18 5 .. '532 18 5 52,239 1 f :: Education Buildings !! 62,183 4 7 10,677 6 8 51,505 17 11 1,018 0 10 „ Prison Buildings and Works f 44 0 0 I' 753 15 1 njti I Kfe :: :: :: :: - : 9 , 4 i M ; 73,020 11 6 „ Mental Hospital Buildings .. .. •• 98 'IJ« Z 2 84 5 0 98,629 12 0 1,248 0 8 „ Health and Hospital Institutions 656 0 - .. 65b 0 2 1,275 16 3 „ Lighthouses | 4,020 13 9 .. 4,020 13 9 11,988 7 6 „ Harbour-works .. .. .. j 2 0 1,412 1 lo'can i n 359 670 16 9 " '" " I «MS! 3 10 152,758 15 11 371,16 U in I " Teleerlnh Extension " " •• 187,932 111 51,999 7 7 135,932 14 4 7i;825 6 8 ;; XL :: 1 0 9 52,091 is n i \ " a^r^S ly ' andDiaiMge - ::i 0 3S S I £:SJ2iS ?'!?n in * " plnT MaterialTnd Services " .. .. : 203,532 13 10 214,046 1 3 Cr. 10,513 7 5 172; 109 3 2 ;; Settlement of Unemployed Workers .. .. 251,440 18 10 29,132 2 9 222,308 16 1 179.484 15 7 „ Native Land Settlement .. .. .. •• j 230,272 12 8 104,604 7 10 l-,5,bb8 4 10 1,416,448 5 8 Total, Annual Appropriations ,. 2,426,403 10 10 884,545 12 0 1,541 857 18 10 Unauthorized expenditure,- 30,395 0 8 30,272 19 10 122 0 10 Services not provided for 2,456,798 11 6 914,818 11 10 1,541,979 19 8 1,416,448 5 8 Lake Ellesmere and Forsyth Reclamation and Akaroa Railway Trust Account,— Expenditure under Land Act, 1924, Section 383 (2) 87 6 0 Administration Expenses .. .. • • • • 90 17 1 Survey expenses .. .. • • • • • • • • " ■ Expenditure under Ellesmere Lands Drainage Act, 1905, Section 6 (1) — , 439 g o Subsidy to Ellesmere Lands Drainage Board .. .. 4d9 6 0 - 0 u 526~ĪTT 530 2 1 - 530 2 1 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, Section 61, — Charges and Expenses of raising Loans — 12 17 3 Issues in Renewal and Conversion .. . ■ ■ • • • • • • • 0 18 0 Charges and Expenses of Redemptions .. .. .. • • ■ ■ buu u 0 13 15 3 600 0 0 Balances at end of Year, — 751,192 15 8 Cash 10 I 15,919 18 4 Imprests outstanding .. .. •• -• •• _______ 818 037 0 1 Investment Account — 58,847 8 6 Securities held .. •• •• •• •• •• 375,294 4 1 825,960 2 6 £2,242,948 14 5 Totals .. .. .. •• •• •• £2,736,441 5 11