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APPENDIX 111. LA XI) -DRA IN AGE AND LAND-DEVELOPMENT OPERATIONS. (R. G. Macmobran, Chief Drainage Engineer.) g> BS M w? u '?p p p ains ' Drainage Works. ' ttiiuirangi, Waihi, and Poukawa Our work on other than the above areas has been comprised mainlv in lanrl rla-ir Q i under the small-farms scheme, mainly m land-development operations Mangatete Farm Settlement (1,270 acres).-Situated near Kaingaroa subdivided ir,t„ ■ farm holdmgs. The and is clay on a limestone formation and was Jth bnT w " was commenced on this block in May, 1934 when a cam» to house wG, r t Work the following four months from ten to fifteen men were engaged -but F ° r Maoris was sanctioned and from thirty to forty men were employed for the Glance ° f The block was subdivided into nine sections, varying in area from 102 acres to 178 m the sections are m standing bush and the remainder was mostlv in inrliflW + + i 0 0 taking over. The first work undertaken was to ring-Se ctan up andtZ f '" ? 6 tim ° ° f sections of open country, and settlers were placed on these sections in a portion of five which have been milked throughout the season gUSt pr ° Vlded with herds - The principal works carried out have been clearing and logging-up feneino- a cultivating, and erection of buildings on the five occupied sections All ft Cmg ' to P- dr essmg and houses and cow-sheds and are sufficiently developed to enable the settler* I n °T P™ vlded Wlth assistance. Houses and cow-sheds are in of eTctL ®nt, y . OD Wlth a little further fenced and cleared of fern, logs, &c„ and will shortly be ready for'lZumtim Z^ hlch are beill f out consisted of splitting posts felling cross-cuttino- ami n.illi, ,V V ' on - Other work carried $*» mm and the Kaitaia Swamp Sl"*** "*** W* «»d Additional work required in this area is erection of houses bush fnllinrr f ■ i the two sections not yet dealt with, further clearing up and fencing on the tctSkTanf^T 8 struction of access road between the Mangatete and Puriri Blocks sectl ons m hand, and con«.«Go s. ™pi,? nas cf "f er wied "•* cleared, 160 topped, a«. cottage, erected, t TO renovated, Kaitaia Small Fafms (1,000 acres). —This swamp 1 ODD anroo f n i 1 of Awanui River, near Kaitaia. Labour was supplied by Unemployment °R 1™ 7 ° U hft bank fifty men were employed and housed in a camp erected in the centre of the btck Th TT ° f ssasr- 4 ™ ra!les - me " M% * nd "»'»"»• - ia •'«p-«- k „ f b- Xfs: *•*««« in March and will be completed during April The six sections on winVJi Ii r was com menced sr- I,e - ** «-u* Drainage-work has absorbed the greater part of the labour emnlmrorl+>,; i now practically completed and farther drain» re,„ired conei.t mainly 0f,,„,.11 .Xnbd°S„s together w,/farther Ir„i,„„, "" """ Clearing and grassing has been completed on the whole of the fiver-frontLe AI i o«, now sown, comprising all the alluvial and solid country the balance of the hf\ f ore « Js poorer quality and more difficult to establish in good pasture A I i f 8 peat land of ;™tp g a°sturr SSeS ' WlliCL aPParen% o^edanHSyrp^e^K %°tssa T - ** and maintained good condition, and further stock can be carried next done well The principal works carried out during the year comprised 4 mil P « fif,j • . 4 miles 5 chains drains deepened and widened 20 ehJns „ i f 1 " 8 , dram ? constructed, formed, five bridges and three culverts built 200 chains f 'p" erected, 61 chains road-bank in grass, and 3,000 trees planted ' fenCeB ereCted > 128 acres cleared, 168 acres sown Small-farm Areas, Hauraki Plains.—On two small farms at Monrrot + m ploughed and cultivated were sown with grass-seed and Wili an^ tarata somc 56 acres previously built, also two four-bail nulking-sheds ess brXj of 0 f?"' of ™oms were water-supply provided for each farm g ° f 30 S P an ' -chains fencing erected, and four-bail milking-shed, 108 cLfns^eMing 8 Kerepeeh) ' elxla Jg ed > and re-erected. One Water-supply provided. ' g ' Span access brld g e wer e also erected, and