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This motion was accepted by the Assembly, which, at the suggestion of the Sixth Committee, appointed China, Irish Free State, Sweden, and Venezuela as the four members of the Committee to be selected by the Assembly. . Before closing I must refer to a situation which arose out of steps taken by certain States to prohibit the supply of arms and war material to the belligerents. When the matter was under discussion the Italian delegate stated that a question of principle was involved " which should be considered from the standpoint of pure law and, in particular, from the standpoint of interpretation of the Covenant." The point was referred to the First Committee, which issued a report dated 23rd September and numbered A. 1/7. It was clear to the First Committee that the members of the League which had imposed prohibition had not applied any articles of the Covenant, but had acted within their sovereign rights, which did not conflict with any provisions of the Covenant. On the question of principle the First Committee was unable to provide an opinion within the limited time at its disposal, and suggested that a special Committee should be appointed for the purpose of studying the matter. This suggestion was adopted by the Sixth Committee, and a resolution requesting the Council to " appoint a committee to study, from the standpoint of pure law and, in particular, from that of interpretation of the Covenant, the question of prohibiting, under the provisions of the Covenant of the League of Nations, the supply of arms and war material to belligerents, and to present its conclusions to the Council and to the Assembly " was passed by the Assembly on the 27th September (Document A. 56). A further paper (Document A. VI/13) containing the proposal for settlement made by the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Aflairs, will be found of interest. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, C. J. Park, High Commissioner for New Zealand. The Right Honourable the Prime Minister, Wellington, New Zealand.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (417 copies), £12.

By Authority: G. H. Loney, Government Printer, Wellington. —1935. Price. 6d.]