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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


1935-36. - Salaries. Other Charges, j Total. Vote No. 16— Electoral— £ £ £ Gross Total 75 > 375 79 ' 679 Credits-in-aid Z NET TOTAL .. 4,304 73,875 78,179 Number Item 1935-36. of Persons. VOTE No. 16.—ELECTORAL. 1935-36. n n 1 * Salaries — Clerical Division. Class I— „ AQ 1 1 at £608 ... ••• ••• boa Glass VII — 4 at £251 ••• 2 at £224 ... 4 f8 8 ™ 1,864 Non-permanent . 1 1 at £211 ••• ••• ••• 211 10 For payment of Registrars ... ... 1,106 j Payment for services of Officers acting as Registrars of Electors and on loan: Post and Telegraph Department ... ••• ••• 30® 7|-per-cent. increase in salaries and allowances (8 months) ••• ••• 207 4,304 Other Charges for and incidental to — 2 Advertising, photographs, books, newspapers, and other publications ... ••• ••• 2 3 By-elections, expenses of ... ••• ••• 4 Freight, cartage, and transport charges ... ••• 40 5 Fuel, light, power, and water ... ••• 40 General Election— 6 Expenses of taking ... ... •• SH,UUU 7 Preparation and printing ot rolls ... ••• '0™ 8 Licensing Committee elections ... 800 9 Licensing poll •• ••• 10 Office furniture, fittings, requisites, &c. .. ... 110 11 Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes ... ... 1,400 12 Printing and stationery ... ••• ••• 790 Registration of electors — 13 Clerical assistance ... ••• ••• iea 14 Payment to Post Office ... ••• 150 15 Rent and storage ... ••• . 16 Telephone services (including installation, extensions, maintenance, rent, and calls) ... ••• 120 * For particulars of salaries see " Public Service Classification List."