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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


Number item. 1935—36. of Persons. __ VOTE No. 13.— LABOUE—continued. Subdivision No. I.—Labour—continued. £ £ Other Charges foe and incidental to—continued 20 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, cost ot special typewritten reports under ... • • • 21 Law-costs (part recoverable) ••• ■■■ 22 Motor-vehicles, maintenance of and repairs to ... too 23 Motor-vehicles, purchase of ... ••• ••• 24 Office fittings and requisites... i 25 Overtime and meal allowances ... ••• I 26 Postage, telegrams, and rent of letter-boxes ... | 27 Printing and stationery ... i'aik 28 Rent of office accommodation ... ••• on 29 Repairs, &c., of dwellinghouse ••• _ ••• 30 Telephone services (including installation, extensions, maintenance, rent, and calls) ... ••• 31 Transfer and removal expenses ... ••• 32 Travelling allowances and expenses ... ••• J ' auu Typewriters — qq 33 Purchase oi ••• •• "• 34 ' Maintenance of and repairs to ... 35 Weights and Measures Act: Purchase of standard weights, measures, &c., and Inspector s testingscales, &c. ••• ••• 36 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) Fares - - £2^ Law-costs ••• ••• Sale of publications ... • • • lōu Services to Unemployment Board (motor-vehicles) ... ••• 255 Travelling - expenses (including motor-car expenses) • • • 1 > 500 Miscellaneous ... ••• -^ 0 2,300 } 17,095 Total —Subdivision No. I ... | 53,898 [ . j Subdivisio?i No. II.—Immigration. 37 Salaries — Proportion of salaries transferred from Subdivision No. I ••• ••• ••• ! 315 Number 1 of Other Charges for and incidental toPersons. 38 Administration and general expenses (England and 141 New Zealand) ••• "j 39 Amount to cover grants to and accommodation and other expenses for immigrants arriving in New Zealand ••• ••• 40 Amounts payable to migrants (recoverable) ... j 41 Imperial and other Governments: Recoveries of passage money due to