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A appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


Number item. 1935—36. of Persons. | VOTE No. 13.— LABOUR— continued. _ — Subdivision No. I. —Labour —continued. £ £ ] Salakies —continued. Genebal Division. £ 1 at £375 ... - 375 7 at £340 2 ,380 2 at £332 ■■■ 1 at £323 ••• ••• f l 2 at £319 3 at £3141 ... ... J44 1 at £310* ••• - *10 2 at £306 ••• ••• 3 at £298 ... °94 15at£285 - t' 088 4 at £272 ••• 1'°°° 2 at £251 - - 502 3 at £242| ... - 1 at £238 1 at £234 ... 234 2 at £229* ••• 1 at £211 - - 211 1 at £202 ... f Q j 1 at £184 54 1 at £166 - - J- 66 7|-per-cent. increase in salaries (8 months) ... 772 Unclassified. 1 at £565| ... ... 566 2 i*" 438 J!L 1,004 ?i-per-cent. increase in salaries (8 months) ... 50 Non-peemanents. 2 at £251 ••• 502 1 at £225 ••• ■■■ 225 1 at £210 ... - 210 1 at £,110 - "0 6 at £164 ■- ••• 984 1 at £152 ••• ••• 2 at £1401 ... ... 281 1 at £129 ••• 129 5 at £H7 - - 2 at £105 ••• 210 1 at £93| ... - 94 1 at £82 - - °2 4 at £70 ... 280 29 latf58 ___ 3,962 7-i-per-cent. increase in salaries (8 months) ... 198 Salaries of nominated members, Court of Arbitration (Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1925, Section 73) — 2 ! 2 at £686 (8 months), £638 (4 months) _ ••• 1,340 Salary of additional Conciliation Commissioner (Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1932, Section 2)— 1 1 at £450 ••• 45U I Allowances to officers temporarily performing special 141 I 1 or higher duties under Public Service Regula„l i tions 24a and 209 ... ••• 262