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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


Number Tt of Persons. ' 1935-36. VOTE No. 10.—EXTERNAL AFFAIRS—continued. 1935-36. ' ' " Subdivision No. I.—Head Office —continued. £ £ Othek Charges foe and incidental to — 2 Advertising, books, photographs, newspapers, and other publications ... ... ... 45 3 Compassionate grant to widow of late C. J. Bouchier, Director of Agriculture, Cook Islands ... 1,500 4 Freight, cartage, and transport charges... ... 10 5 Fuel, light, water, attendance, &c. ... ... 98 6 Miscellaneous payments due to former officers of the Samoan Public Service on return to New Zealand 30 7 Office fittings and requisites ... ... 56 8 Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes ... .. 600 9 Printing and stationery ... ... ... 160 10 Telephone services (including installation, extensions, maintenance, rent, and calls) ... ... 92 11 Travelling allowances and expenses ... ... 230 12 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote ... 40 2,861 Total—Subdivision No. I ... 5,069 ' Subdivision No. II.—Neiv Zealand Reparation Estates. Salaries, Wages, Pdechase of Stokes, Maintenance of Plantations and Geneeal Expenses (including capital expenditure)— 13 ; Improvements ... ... ... 1 863 14 Maintenance of plantations ... ... ... 16 870 15 j Public Service Superannuation Fund contribution ... '66 16 Renewals ... ... ... 366 17 Repayments of mortgages and deposits ... ... 1,000 18 j Salaries and wages ... ... ... 2,290 19 | Stores and general expenses... ... ... 25,'790 Total—Siibdivision No. II ... 48,245 Subdivision No. III.—Export of Bananas from Samoa. 20 Purchase of bananas, stores, and general expenses ... 81,000 Total—Subdivision No. Ill ... 81,000 Subdivision No. IV.—Cook Islands. Grants to Cook Islands Administration— Othek Chaeges fok and incidental to — 21 Education services ... ... 6 475 22 Hurricane reparation ... ... . g' qqo 23 Medical and nursing services of the Group (including hospitals, lepers, lunatics, &c.) ... ... 5,103 i Total—Subdivision No. IV ... I 16 578