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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Number Item | 10QKQfl of Persons. - j V0TE No 9. —INTERNAL AFFAIRS —continued. x UJ j 1935-36. Subdivision No. VIII.—Miscellaneous Services —continued. £ £ Other Charges for and incidental to —continued. _ 111 Entertaining visitors to the Dominion and official functions, cost of ... ... ••• 4,500 112 Exhibits for Museums, railage on ... ... 15 113 Eire Boards, subsidies to (Eire Brigades Act, 1926, Section 26) ... • • • ■ • ■ 3 > 100 114 Euel for Government offices... ... ••• 1,500 115 Grants in settlement of petitions ... ... 200 Grants— 116 " Authors' Week " : Towards expenses of ... 100 117 Empire Parliamentary Association Conference, London: New Zealand Delegation... ... 1,000 118 Jubilee Celebrations, Reign of Their Majesties : New Zealand Delegation to London —- £ Right Hon. the Prime Minister ... 1,500 Private Secretary ... ... 900 Salary, allowances of cierk and attendant, and general expenses ... 1,600 General and incidental expenses ... 1,000 5,000 119 Melbourne Centenary Celebrations : New Zealand representative of Empire Parliamentary Association ... • • • • • • 120 To certain local bodies on account of hardship caused through non-payment of rates by Crown as mortgagee in possession ... ... 8,000 121 To E. Stewart, member of crew of " Tainui' in Melbourne Centenary Air Race ... ... 100 122 Visit to United Kingdom of the Right Hon. Minister of Finance, and party— £ Right Hon. the Minister of Finance 1,500 Public Service Commissioner ... 900 Private Secretary ... ... 700 General expenses ... ... 900 4,000 123 War Funds Council for South African veterans ... 250 124 Jubilee Celebrations in New Zealand: Reign of Their Majesties ... ••• ••• 14,500 125 Light, power, and water for Government buildings ... 5,550 126 Neiv Zealand Gazette: Cost of printing (part recoverable) ... 6,700 127 Parliaments of the Empire: Contribution towards cost of producing journal (London publication) ... 200 128 Personal effects of Ministers, transfer of ... 10 Post Office Account — 129 Franked Government telegrams ... "... 1,000 130 Franked telephone communications ... ... 550 131 Ministerial telegraphic memoranda ... ... 3,800 132 Printing and stationery, Ministers'offices ... 800 133 Publications (including newspapers and books), Ministers' offices ... ... ••• 300 Public Service Superannuation Fund— 134 Contribution to (P.S.S. Act, 1927, section 50) ... 86,000 135 Contribution to meet increased allowances to widows and children (P.S.S. Act, 1927, section 114) ... ... 17,250 136 Royal Empire Society's new building, London: Panelling and flooring one committee-room with New Zealand timber, cost of ... ... 600 137 Royal Visit : His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester to New Zealand ... ... 4,020 138 Societies for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, fines paid to (Police Offences Act, 1927, section 15) ... 40