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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


Number r f _ m of Persons. * 193/5-36. VOTE No. 9,—INTERNAL AFFAIRS—continued. 1935-36. — Subdivision No. II.—Government Actuary's Office — £ £ continued. Other Charges fob and incidental to — 38 Fuel, light, power, and water ... ... 5 39 i Office fittings ... ... ... 50 40 | Office requisites ... ... 50 41 Overtime and meal allowances ... ... 1 42 | Postage and telegrams ... ... ... 5 43 1 Printing and stationery ... ... 40 44 Rent . , ... ... 200 45 Telephone services ... ... ... 43 46 Travelling allowances and expenses ... ... 15 47 Window-cleaning ... ... ... g 48 Contingencies ... ... ... 5 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of the vote) — Contributions towards salaries of officers, &c., for services rendered— Actuarial work for other Depart- £ ments ... ... 150 Local Authorities Superannuation 120 National Provident and Friendly Societies Department ... 2,630 2,900 420 Total— ... : 4,596 Subdivision No. III.—Ministers Secretaries. 49 Salaries— Clerical Division. Glass I— 2 2 at £4594 .. qiq Glass II— 1 1 at £438 ... ... 4gg Glass III— 6 6 at £400 0 400 Class V— jg ' 3 at £323 ... . 969 4 1 at £302 ... ... 302 !' 271 Allowances in addition to classification— 15 Private Secretaries to Ministers at £42-4 each ... 638 1 Private Secretary to Minister ... " ... 11 Extra classification allowance— £ 4 at £85 ... ... 340 6 at £38ij ... ... 231 571. Arrears ot increase 111 salary and allowance to two Private Secretaries— Salaries— jg 1 at £100 ... ... 100 1 at £251 (10 months) ... ... 209 Allowance— 1 at £132 (10 months) ... .., 110 419