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much more effective in reverting superphosphate than that selected from certain other localities. Progress has been made in the study of certain fungous diseases of farm crops, but the development of control and remedial measures is a slow process, and every endeavour is being made to test out thoroughly all new specifics designed to check the serious losses occasioned by fungi. Plant breeding and selection work on farm crops such as rape, lucerne, potatoes, and peas is yielding useful results, and this work will render it possible to improve the standard yields of all of these crops to a higher level than they are at the present time. The Plant Research Station, dealing as it does with all aspects of economic plants, is in a position to ensure a balanced development and sound progress in the farming industry. IMPERIAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH BUREAUX. While in England I visited the headquarters of some of the Agricultural Research Bureaux, and, in discussions of their organization with the secretary, Sir David Chadwick, became directly acquainted with their activities and the relation of these to questions which confront research workers in New Zealand. These bureaux are engaged upon a most useful work, and their essentially Imperial character and organization merit our close interest and support. At Aberystwyth I saw the work of the Bureau for Plant Breeding. At Farnham House I saw something of the work done to provide supplies of useful insects for various parts of the Empire in order to maintain control over noxious species of insects and plants ; at Slough, interesting researches upon fumigants for the control of insects and fungi affecting stored products is in progress ; the wide range of activities at the Cambridge Low Temperature Research Station are of very real importance to our meat, dairy, fruit, and fish industries. While there was a number of other research centres which time did not permit me to visit, I am also aware of their real significance to us in New Zealand, and their encouragement of researches on an Imperial scale is certainly likely to have profound influence in the introduction of new knowledge which will prove of much advantage in a time of changing industrial methods such as exists at present. The Dominion, in contributing to the support of the inter-Imperial research activities which function through these bureaux, is participating in a work which plays a very important part in cementing' together, on very sound lines, bonds of Empire, because through its research activities a community of interest is developed, a wide range of contacts is effected, and a stimulation is given to the production of quality goods, which upholds the Empire standard of reputation, which is traditional in this respect. The ten Imperial Bureaux deal with entomology, mycology, soil science, animal health, animal nutrition, plant genetics (2), fruit production, animal genetics, and agricxiltural parasitology, and a mere reference to their titles will indicate how completely they provide a means for dealing with a wide range of agricultural problems. Each of these bureaux, by maintenance of contact with the Dominion through the local correspondents, effect a rapid interchange of scientific views, and enables New Zealand to be kept abreast of all advances that are made in any part of the world. FUEL. The resources and supply of fuel, both coal and liquid fuel, are of vital importance not only to industry, bat to the whole community, and it is important that the Government should keep up to date regarding developments overseas, and also as to the extent and nature of our own resources in relation to modern trends in usage. For several years, in co-operation with the Mines Department and coalowners, work had been carried out at the Dominion Laboratory on the characteristics of New Zealand coals in regard to various avenues of utilization, and a valuable series of bulletins has been published. With, the advent of financial stringency these activities were of necessity curtailed, and we had to be content with keeping up to date a bureau of information on overseas developments. With the advent