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WoKK PERFORMED BY COMMISSIONERS AND COUNCILS OF CONCILIATION. Industrial agreements made under section 28 of the principal Act .. 25 Industrial agreements made under section sof the Amendment Act of 1932 .. 7 Disputes where recommendations were substantially accepted or agreements reached and referred to the Court to make awards .. .. 46 Disputes where no settlement was arrived at .. .. .. .. 11 Section 7 (4) of the 1932 Amendment Act provides that where a settlement of the dispute has not been arrived at by the Council of Conciliation appointed for the hearing thereof every award or industrial agreement theretofore binding on the parties to the dispute in connection with the industry to which the dispute relates shall cease to be in force on the expiration of one month from the date of the Commissioner's notification to the Clerk of Awards that no settlement of the dispute was arrived at. Under this provision failure to reach a settlement in the 11 cases mentioned above resulted in the cancellation of 12 awards and industrial agreements and the partial cancellation of 2, the principal cause of failure being the inability of the parties to agree on the wages to be paid. The following summary shows the minimum wage-rates fixed by awards and agreements made under the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Amendment Act, 1932, in a number of the principal industries, as compared with the rates fixed by the awards and agreements that were in operation immediately prior thereto.


(Except where otherwise indicated, Wellington rates have been taken.) Industry. Present Bate. Previous Rate. Bakers . . .. £4 10s. per week .. £5 per week, less 10 per cent. = £4 10s. Boot operatives— Male .. .. Is. 9fd. per hour .. 2s. OJd. per hour, less 10 per cent. = Is. 9fd. Female .. .. £2 4s. per week .. £2 10s. per week, less 10 per cent. = £2 5s. Butchers .. .. £4 6s. to £5 3s. 6d. per week £4 16s. to £5 17s. 6d. per week, less 10 per cent. = £4 6s. 5d. to £5 5s. 9d. Carpenters and joiners .. 2s. Id. per hour (from 5th April, 2s. 3|d. per hour, less 10 per cent. = 2s. Id. 1935) Clothing-trade employees— Female .. .. £2 2s. per week .. .. £2 5s. per week, less 10 per cent. = £2 0s. 6d. Male .. .. .. Is. lOd. and Is. lid. per hour £4 7s. 6d. per week, less 10 per cent.=£3 18s. 9d. =£4 0s. 8d. and £4 4s. 4d. per week Coachworkers .. .. .. 2s. per hour .. .. 2s. 3d. per hour, less 10 per cent.=2s. 0 r s 5 d. Cheese and butter factory employees £3 13s. to £4 13s. 2d. per week £4 Is. to £5 3s. 6d., less 10 per cent.=£3 12s. lid. (Auckland) to £4 13s. 2d. Drivers — (a) Motor .. .. (a) £3 19s. to £4 9s. 6d. per £4 lis. to £5 3s. per week, less 10 per cent.= week £4 Is. lid. to £4 12s. 8d. (b) Horse .. .. .. (6) £3 17s. 8d. per week for one £4 8s. per week for one horse to £4 lis. per week horse, £4 Is. per week for for two horses, plus 2s. 6d. per week for each two or more horses additional horse. Less 10 per cent. =£3 19s. 2d. to £4 Is. lid., plus 2s. 3d. for each additional horse. Drivers (passenger transport) .. £4 5s. per week .. £5 per week, less 10 per cent.=£4 10s. Electrical workers .. .. Is. lid. per hour .. .. 2s. 3d. per hour, less 10 per cent.=2s. Engine-drivers, firemen, and greasers (Canterbury)— Drivers, 1st Class Certificate .. Is. 9Jd. per hour .. .. 2s. l|-d. per hour, less 10 per cent. = Is. lid. Drivers, 2nd Class Certificate .. Is. 8d. per hour .. .. 2s. per hour, less 10 per cent.=ls. 9fd. Firemen and greasers .. Is. 7Jd. per hour .. Is. lljd. per hour, less 10 per cent.=ls. Furniture-trade employees— Males (skilled) .. Is. 9Jd. and Is. lid. per hour 2s. OJd. to 2s. 3d. per hour, less 10 per cent.= Is. lOd. to 2s. OJd. Males (unskilled) Is. 7Jd. per hour .. Is. 10Jd. per hour, less 10 per cent. = Is. 8jd. Grocers'assistants .. .. £4 5s. 6d. per week .. £4 15s., less 10 per cent.=£4 5s. 6d. Hairdressers .. .. .. £4 2s. 6d. per week .. £5 less 10 per cent.=£4 10s. Motor mechanics .. .. Is. lid. per hour .. .. 2s. 3d. per hour, less 10 per cent. =2s. 0|d. Painters and decorators .. 2s. per hour (from 1st April, 2s. 3d. per hour, less 10 per cent.=2s. OJd. 1935) Plasterers (Otago and Southland) .. 2s. Id. per hour (from 24th 2s. 4£d. per hour, less 10 per cent=2s. lfd. May, 1935) Plumbers (Canterbury and Otago and 2s. Id. per hour (from 7th June, 2s. 3d. per hour, less 10 per cent.=2s. OJd. Southland) 1935) Printers' machinists, &c. .. £3 lis. to £4 12s. 3d. per week £4 4s. to £5 2s. 6d. per week, less 10 per cent.= (from 1st April, 1935) £3 15s. 7d. to £4 12s. 3d. Shop Assistants — Adult males .. .. .. £4 5s. 6d. per week .. £4 15s., less 10 per cent.=£4 5s. '6d. Adult females .. .. £2 7s. 3d. per week .. £2 12s. 6d., less 10 per cent. =£2 7s. 3d. Storemen and Packers (wholesale) . £3 12s. 9d. per week .. £4 5s., less 10 per cent.=£3 16s. 6d. Storemen and Packers (oil-stores) . . £3 15s. per week .. .. £4 7s. 6d., less 10 per cent. =£3 18s. 9d. Storemen and packers (wool, grain, £3 12s. 6d. per week .. £4 5s., less 10 per cent.=£3 16s. 6d. &c., stores) Timber-yards and sawmills'employees Is. 7d. to Is. lOJd. per hour Is. lOJd. to 2s. 3d. per hour, less 10 per cent.= Is. 8Jd. to 2s. OJd. Tramway employees— Motormen (after first year) .. Is. lid. per hour .. .. 2s. per hour, less 10 per cent. = Is. 9fd. Conductors (after first year) .. Is. 9d. per hour .. Is. lOd. per hour, less 10 per cent. = Is. 7fd. Conductors (after fifth year) .. Is. 9Jd. per hour .. .. Is. 10Jd. per hour, less 10 per cent. = ls. 8|d. Motor-bus drivers .. ..Is. lid. per hour .. ..2s. per hour, less 10 per cent. = ls. 9fd. Typographers .. .. .. £4 to £4 19s. per week .. £4 15s. to £5 10s., less 10 per cent.=£4 5s. 6d. to £4 19s.