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Aie-mail Stamps. The desirability of superseding the original series of air-mail stamps by stamps of more attractive design and of an improved method of production was further considered during the year ; and it was decided to proceed with the issue of a new series of these stamps, in denominations of Id., 3d., and 6d., from a design—" A New Zealand Air Terminal " —suggested by the Department and prepared by Mr. J. Berry, Wellington. The plates and dies for the new stamps have been made by the stampprinting branch of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Melbourne, the line-engraving process being used. It is proposed to have the stamps printed at the Government Printing Office, Wellington. " Health " Stamps. A " Health " stamp of the denomination of 2d. (Id. for postage, Id. for health) was placed on sale at Wellington on the 25th October and at most other places in the Dominion on the 26th idem, and was withdrawn on the 28th February. The stamp was of attractive design entitled " The Crusade for Health," and depicted a mounted crusader carrying a banner bearing the word " Health." The stamp was designed by Mr. J. Berry, of Wellington, and the engraving and printing were carried out by Messrs. de la Rue and Co., Ltd., London. The stamps sold numbered 279,120, of a gross value of £2,326, compared with a gross return of £2,174 for the previous year, an increase in value of 7 per cent. From the proceeds of the sale of the stamps, an amount of £989 7s. lid. was paid to the Health Department for expending on children's health camps. Demonetization of Stamps. The following stamps of New Zealand and the islands were demonetized from the 31st December, 1934 :— Stamps of denominations fd., Id., 2d., 2fd., 3d., 4d., 5d., 6d., Bd., 9d., Is., 25., and 55., depicting New Zealand birds and scenery and issued between 1898 and 1908 ; and any stamp of this series overprinted in any way. Stamps of denominations fd., 2d., 3d., 4-d., 5d., 6d., Bd., and Is., bearing a portrait of His late Majesty King Edward VII ; and any stamp of this series overprinted in any way. Id. " Universal Postage " stamp depicting the symbolical figure of Zealandia " ; and any such stamp overprinted in any way. lfd. "The Empire's Call " (commemorative of New Zealand contingents, South African War). fd. " War Stamp " (fd. stamp bearing portrait of His Majesty King George V overprinted " War Stamp "). Id. " Universal Postage " stamp depicting coast-line of New Zealand. " Victory Stamp " series, comprising denominations fd., Id., lfd., 3d., 6d., and Is., issued in 1920 to commemorate termination of the Great War ; and any stamp of this series overprinted in any way. Dunedin Exhibition stamps, 1925, comprising denominations fd., Id., and 4d. " Charity " stamps : (a) Id. postage, Id. charity, of design depicting head and shoulders of a nurse (issued in 1929.) (6) Id. postage, Id. charity, of design depicting head and shoulders of a nurse (issued in 1930). (c) Id. postage, Id. charity, of design depicting head and shoulders of a boy (issued in 1931). (d) 2d. postage, Id. charity, of design depicting head and shoulders of a boy (issued in 1931). Government Life Insurance Department stamps bearing the letters " V.R.," comprising denominations fd., Id., 2d., 3d., 6d., and Is. Stamps as follow bearing a portrait of His Majesty King George V : Denominations fd., lfd., 2fd., 3d., 6d., and Is. overprinted " Aitutaki," " Niue," " Penrhyn Island," " Rarotonga," or " Samoa " ; denomination 2d. overprinted " Rarotonga," or " Samoa " ; and denominations 4d., 4fd., 7fd., and 9d. overprinted " Rarotonga." " Stamp Duty" stamps as follow bearing a portrait of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria : Denominations 25., 55., and £1 overprinted " Official," " Niue," " Rarotonga," or Samoa" ; denominations 2s. 6d. and 10s. overprinted " Niue," " Rarotonga," or " Samoa " ; and 3s. denomination overprinted " Samoa." Cook Island stamps of denominations Id., lfd., 2fd., 5d., and lOd. bearing portrait of the late principal Ariki, Makea-Takau ; and denominations fd., 2d., 6d., and Is. depicting the bird torea or wry-neck. Aitutaki stamps of denominations fd., Id., 2fd., 3d., 6d., and Is. depicting Cook Island scenes, and lid. denomination bearing a portrait of the late Captain James Cook. Niue stamps of denominations fd., Id., 2fd., 3d., 4d., 6d., and Is. depicting Cook Islands scenes, and lid. denomination bearing a portrait of the late Captain James Cook ; also lfd. stamp of this series overprinted " Twopence." Penrhyn stamps of denominations fd., Id., 2fd., 3d., 6d., and Is. depicting Cook Island scenes, and lfd. denomination bearing a portrait of the late Captain James Cook. Rarotonga stamps of denominations fd., Id., 2fd., 3d., 4d., 6d., and Is. depicting Cook Island scenes, and lfd. denomination bearing a portrait of the late Captain James Cobk ; also lfd. stamp of this series overprinted " Twopence." Postage due stamps, 1899 (value printed in red on white centre), of denominations 3d., 4d., 5d., 6d., Bd., 10d., Is., and 2s.