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RADIO INTERFERENCE REGULATIONS, 1934. The Radio Interference Regulations, which, were gazetted in October last, empower the Department to require owners or users of electrical equipment to take the necessary measures to eliminate interference with radio reception due to the operation of such equipment. Previously, all it was possible for the Department to do was to endeavour to persuade owners of interfering equipment to take the required action, and while, in general, owners willingly responded to such requests, it was evident that the Department's position should be strengthened to deal adequately with any case in which an unreasonable attitude is adopted. Further reference to these regulations and to the subject of radio interference appears at pages 32 and 33. DETAILED REPORT. A detailed report of the Department's activities during the year ended on the 31st March, 1935, will be found in the following pages. I have the honour to be, Your Excellency's most obedient servant, Adam Hamilton. General Post Office, Wellington, C. 1, 18th October, 1935.