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Adoptions. By an arrangement with the Department of Justice, applications for adoptions are investigated by Child Welfare Officers before being dealt with by Magistrates. During the year 304 children were adopted (28 of these being State wards), and in 24 of these cases premiums were approved by the Courts. Of the total number of children adopted, 53 were under the age of six months, 40 between the age of six and twelve months, 121 between the age of one and five years, 54 between the age of five and ten years, and 36 between the age of ten and fifteen years. Children in Kesidence in Private Orphanages. The following information supplied by the authorities shows the number of orphanages and private admissions to such orphanages during the year :—

Table 3.

During the year advice was received that six homes were temporarily closed. The particulars regarding parentage were as follows : 236 children had no parents, 300 had only mother living, and 736 had only father living.

Table 4.—Status of Children and Young Persons under the Guardianship of the Superintendent at 31st March, 1935.


•g tô Admissions during 1934. Deaths during 1934. In 31st W) — Denomination. — § ® m j 4 °»j n 8 J | ° g m £ J § ° g Kg § I §35 a tS SS -fl "S t2 !5M 8 5 "S £ g I "3 §> flB S >* § ,2 I < -§ s J § £ "§<! -§ « £ § & "g < o S- Ha g£ HS 0 o «o ce O o co CÔ co 3 M co ce - — j Anglican .. .. 20 17 19 80 241 .... 1 1 11 14 82 623 Roman Catholic .. 12 33 16 106 373 1 .. .. 4 12 21 129 879 Salvation Army .. 16 485 .. 35 584 13 .. 2 15 51 2 39 410 Presbyterian .. 18 .. .. 61 148 .. .. .. .. .. . . 61 369 Methodist .. .. 5 .. .. 6 27 1 .... 14 173 Plymouth Brethren.. 1 .. . • 3 5 i .. 3 22 Baptist .. .. 1 .. ■ ■ 2 13 j 19 61 Masonic .. .. 1 j • • 8 Interdenominational 15 9 13 240 777 .. .. 1 1 2 11 47 321 Totals.. .. 89 544 48 533 2,168 14 .. 4 22 76 j 48 394 2,866

Status. I Boys. Girls. Totals. < * .HIi jffig 81 ' WWMIWM In residence .. .. .. .. .. 142 98 240 Boarded out .. .. .. •• •• 1,180 863 2,043 At service .. .. .. . • • • 596 302 898 With friends .. .. .. .. ■ • 315 240 555 In hospitals, convalescent homes, &c. .... 16 10 26 In refuges or cognate institutions .. .. .. .. 46 46 In orphanages .. .. .. .. • • 31 23 54 Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 15 .. 15 Y.M.C.A. Hostel, Auckland .. .. .. 15 .. 15 In colleges .. .. .. •• •• 4 2 6 In Girls' Hostel, Wellington .. .. .. .. 14 14 In residence, Roman Catholic schools .... 35 46 81 In schools for mentally backward .. .. .. 205 77 282 In School for Deaf, Sumner .. .. .. 6 2 8 Totals .. .. .. .. 2,560 1,723 4,283