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were commenced during the year. A detailed survey of tie road is in hand, and a start has been made with formation and metalling at the Blackball end. 19 ch. has been formed 10 ft. wide, and 42 lin. ft. of culverts have been placed. Mair's Road (Inangahua County).—This road, 3m. 16 ch. long, is nearing completion. 121 lin. ft. of concrete-pipe culverts, 218 lin. ft. timber culverts, and two small bridges, each of 10 ft. span have been completed, in addition to 3m. of formation and metalling. The road provides access to a number of settlers on the west bank of the Maruia River. Mair's Bridge (Inangahua County).—This bridge gives access to Mair's Road on the west bank of the Maruia River. The bridge, of ten 45 ft. rolled-steel-joist spans on hardwood piles, with 7 ft. 6 in. deck, has been completed. The piers have been built wide enough to increase the width of deck to 10 ft. 6 in. if required. Mirfin's Bridge Protection (Mirfin Road), (Inangahua County).—Erosion of the west bank of the Mawhera-iti River undermined the abutment of this bridge. The bridge was lengthened by the Inangahua County by the addition of a 40 ft. span on rolled-steel joists and the bank well protected with stone cratework. 2 ch. of approach road was regraded and metalled. Reef ton to Big River Road (Inangahua County).—Remetalling and improvements to this road are in hand over a length of 13 m. 460 cub. yd. of metal were placed during the year, and 42 lin. ft. of timber culverts were constructed. Somerville's Bridge (Inangahua County). —The construction of this bridge, of two 40 ft. spans rolled-steel joists on hardwood piles, with 7 ch. of approaches, has been completed. Busch Road (Westland County).—46 ch. of road has been formed 12 ft. wide and metalled 9 ft. wide. 44 lin. ft. of culverts and two small bridges, of 25 ft. and 12 ft. spans, have been constructed. Dry Creek Bridge, Poerua Settlement Road (Westland County). —Protection works and formation of approaches for this bridge have been completed. The bridge, when erected, will eliminate a very bad ford. Education Endowment Road (Westland County).—This road has been formed 12 ft. wide and metalled 8 ft. wide for a length of 42 ch. 80 lin. ft. of concrete-pipe culverts and a timber bridge of 12 ft. span have been constructed. Hapuka River Bridge (Westland County).—All material for this bridge is on the site, and a co-operative contract has been arranged for the supply of piles and erection of the bridge. Malfroy's Bridge Protection (Westland County).—The protection of the north bank of the Arahura River above Malfroy's Bridge was put in hand by the Westland County. Before the work was completed a severe flood destroyed part of the bridge. The reconstruction of the bridge and completion of the protection work has been put in hand by the Department. Two 60 ft. truss spans have been purchased from the Railway Department and landed on the site, and gear has been assembled for pile-driving. Temporary access across the river is provided by a suspension footbridge erected by the Westland County. Waitaha South Bank Road (Westland County). —The final 1 m. 30 ch. of metalling on this road was completed during the year and the completed road handed over to the Westland County. Christchurch District. Lewis Pass Road (Amuri County). —The Lands and Survey Department has finalized the legalization survey plans. This roadwork has been carried out under relief labour conditions, the single men's camp being financed wholly by the Unemployment Board up to 30th April, 1935, and as a mixed relief work financed out of Public Works loan funds and Unemployment Board funds since that date. The importance of this connecting-link between Canterbury and Westland is well known to all, and work is now being continued with renewed vigour. During the year work completed was as follows : 3| m. of light formation, 24 ft. wide, with additional widening on curves ; 4 m. lightly metalled ; 70 ch. of heavy sidelings and block-cut formation also to a width of 24 ft. This length has been fully metalled. At 5 m. 60 ch., in the vicinity of the large groyne, the stop-banks in the rear of the groynes were considerably strengthened and extended. Approximately 2,000 willow-trees were planted where required. Work is already in hand for the erection of a temporary bridge over the Hope River. Summit Road (Mount Herbert County).—Work has been proceeding steadily on this scenic road, the financial arrangements being entirely in the hands of the Unemployment Board. During the year an average of 950 men has been maintained and 6 m. of the road has been formed. Lake Sumner Runs Road (Amuri County). —This access road has been continued under the single men's camp scheme, and during the year a length of 2 m. has been improved, thus completing the present proposals. Dunedin District. Clifton Settlement Road (Clutha County). —Metalled access for a number of settlers on this road has been provided, this year's programme accounting for a length of 215J ch. Formerly settlers had considerable difficulty during the wet season in transporting produce and materials to and from their farms, and with the advent of a metalled road their efforts to increase production in response to the Government's appeal should be greatly assisted. Clinton to Wyndham Road (Clutha County). —Here also a number of settlers have been provided with a metalled outlet, enabling them to cart produce and materials in all weathers. In this way the prospects for the more successful development of the area have been enhanced, and a greater return of farm-produce should be available when these development proposals are in full swing. Tahakopa River Bridge (Clutha County). —This work entailed the erection of a bridge over the Tahakopa River to improve access to settlers, the length of this structure being 85 ft. and consisting of one 20 ft., one 25 ft., and one 40 ft. rolled-steel-joist spans on concrete piers. The bridge is now available for traffic.