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CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES. Whangarei District. Gammon's Road (Bay of Islands County).—The widening and oulverting of this road over a distance of 1 m. 50 ch. was completed, and a length of 4 m. 15 ch. was metalled to a width of 9 ft. and a depth of 6 in. All settlers now have metalled access. Callaghan's Road (Bay of Islands County).—2 m. 32 ch. metalled to a width of 9 ft. and a depth of 6 in., and all settlers concerned now have metalled access to Maromaku Railway-station, whereas before the road was down to swamp level. Hukerenui to Tapuhi Road (Bay of Islands County).—2 m. 56 ch. was metalled 9 ft. by 6 in., completing all-weather access for the settlers on this road. Hupara Road (Bay of Islands County). —3 J miles metalled 9 ft. by 6 in., giving all settlers metalled access, and with similar work on the Pakaraka to Whangae Road, undertaken by the Bay of Islands County Council, a complete circuit for transport of cream to the Moerewa Dairy Factory has been provided. Kaikou to Opahi Road (Bay of Islands County).—The settlers on this road are unfortunate in that with the completion of l| miles of metalling this year the whole road was badly damaged by two severe storms. The work of restoration is in hand, and settlers should soon reap the benefit of a through metalled road. Punakitere Valley Road (Bay of Islands County).—3 m. 4 ch. formed 18 ft. wide and the necessary culverts placed. This road serves many settlers and will open up a big area of country, and also will be an arterial route to the freezing-works at Moerewa. With the exception of the necessary bridges, the formation is now complete. Opahi to McKenzie's (Bay of Islands County).—This is a new road which will open up a further block, and, with Pokapu and Punakitere Valley Roads, will be an arterial road to the whole district. The work carried out this year consisted of the formation of 1 m. 49 ch. to a width of 18 ft. Tarairi and Harini Roads (Bay of Islands County).—These roads total 4 m. 65 ch. in length. Metalling is well advanced, and on completion all settlers in the Remuera Estate, who have been working under considerable difficulties, will have metalled access. Tautoro to Mataraua Road (Bay of Islands County).—This road, 3 m. 26 ch. long, formed the previous year, was metalled to a width of 9 ft. and a depth of 6 in. As a result a fertile area has been provided with access, and the two main highways at each end have a cross-connection, saving a big detour through Kaikohe. Heath's Access Road (Hobson County).—With the aid of the settlers concerned a length of 68 ch. was metalled 8 ft. wide by 6 in. deep. Hood to McCullouyh Road (Hobson County). —The Hobson County Council metalled this road, which is a very important cross-connection in a district with a wet climate. The work comprised metalling of a length of 3 m. to a width of 9 ft. and a depth of 6 in. Mangarata to Arapohue Road (Hobson County).—This clay road, which is very narrow and tortuous, serves many settlers and is the outlet to Pukehuia Railway-station from the Arapohue district. It was widened throughout to a width of 16 ft., and a base-course of metal was laid before the weather broke and prevented the completion of the top course. Parore Station Bridge (Hobson County). —The Kaihu River recently severed connection with the Parore Railway-station, but communication was re-established by the erection of a motor design bridge, 114 ft. long, in rolled-steel joists and mixed Australian hardwoods. Poutu Road (Hobson County). —A further length of 1| in. was formed and culverted. The terminal point of the road is now at the boundary of a large block of Native land, which is under consolidation. Guest's Road (Hokianga County). —A length of 1 m. 68 ch. was formed 16 ft. wide, completing the formation. Metalling was commenced and, despite very bad weather conditions, this work was also nearly completed. With the erection of two bridges the settlers in this area will have an allweather outlet. Previously they were dependent on launch transport. Mata Road (Hokianga County). —This road serves Souminen and McKenzie's small-farm scheme and is also a necessary cross-connection between two roads serving the Motukaraka Dairy Factory. Formation over a length of 3 m. and the construction of two bridges, 80 ft. and 30 ft. long, in rolledsteel joists and mixed Australian hardwoods was completed. Opononi to Omapere Road (Hokianga County).—This road connects the two settlements named and serves numerous settlers. Its construction was put in hand during the year, and Im. 30 ch. was completed 18 ft. wide, with culverts. Waimamaku to Taheke via Wekaweka (Hokianga County). —1 m. 10 ch. was metalled 9 ft. by 6 in., bringing metalled access to the last settler. This is a particularly damp area and the completion of the metal will be of very great benefit. Wharepunga Bridge, Wharepunga Road (Hokianga County).—The erection of a bridge, 50 ft. long, in rolled-steel joists and reinforced concrete settled the difficulty of negotiating a bad ford which frequently held up traffic. With this work completed, settlers now have all-weather access. Grayson's and Hansen's Roads (Hokianga County). —These roads, totalling 1 m. 21 ch. in length and serving small farms, were formed 16 ft. wide. Metalling, though nearly finished, had to be suspended on account of bad weather. One 40 ft. bridge, in rolled-steel joists and New Zealand timbers, was also erected. Ahipara Gumfields Road (Mangonui County). —This area, carrying a population of over six hundred, was served by a clay road, which climbed a steep hill, With the aid of funds supplied by the Unemployment Board and the Public Works Department, this hill and the remainder of the road, totalling 3 m., was metalled with shale, and this has been a considerable help to the large amount of traffic which uses the road.