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STATEMENT of the RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE of SEPARATE ACCOUNTS for the Year ended 31st March, 1935, compared with the Year ended 31st March, 1934.


ENDED RECEIPTS. T« ™- 1934. ■ ' ■ ■ - ■■ ■ - ' £ s, d. Balance at beginning of Year, — £ s. d. £ s. d. Investment Account— 1,859,375 0 0 Securities held .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,859,375 0 0 Finance Act, 1926, Section 8 (3), — 179,687 10 0 Dividends received in terms of Bank of New Zealand Act, 1926, Section 13 .. .. 164,062 10 0 £2,039,062 10 0 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £2,023,437 10 0 ■ DISCHARGED SOLDIERS £ s. d. Balances at beginning of Year, — ! £ s. d. £ s. d. 106,908 2 4 Cash .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 420,145 9 10 5,373 7 11 Imprests outstanding .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,630 13 2 I- — 427,776 3 0 Investment Account— 148,087 10 7 Securities held .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 192 10 7 260,369 0 10 Receipts in respect of Advances under Sections 6 and 9 of the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915, including Receipts in respect of Land under Sections 4, 11, and 13 of the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Amendment Act, 1921-22, and Receipts from Interests in Land acquired by the Crown by Forfeiture or Operation of Law (Land Laws Amendment Act, 1927, Section 20; Discharged Soldiers Settlement Amendment Act, 1923, and Finance Act, 1933, Section 11), —- 769,291 15 9 Repayments of Principal .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 855,278 0 11 487,641 11 2 Interest and rent .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 552,225 3 8 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 460 6 4 1,407,963 10 11 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Amendment Act, 1921-22, Sections 4, 11, and 13,— Receipts from Interests in Land acquired by the Crown under Mortgages securing 26,684 9 4 Advances to Discharged Soldiers Land Laws Amendment Act, 1927, Section 20, — Discharged Soldiers Settlement Amendment Act, 1923 —■ Receipts from Interests in Land acquired by the Crown by Forfeiture or Operation of Law — 357 0 1 Section 20 (3) —Principal 1,090 10 7 Section 20 (3) —Interest 255 0 0 Section 20 (4) 44 15 5 Section 20 (5) 1,285,365 2 4 18,808 18 5 Suspense Account (Receipts awaiting allocation) .. .. .. .. 21,823 3 0 Finance Act, 1931 (No. 4), Section 7 (2), — 2,000,000 0 0 Advances obtained by the hypothecation of Securities Profits on redemption of Investments .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 0 0 9,329 7 5 Interest on Investments .. , .. .. 7,418 4 8 £3,573,872 9 0 Totals .. .. .. .. 865,185 12 2