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B.—l [Pt. IV], Sup. to 1934.

ARAWA DISTRICT TRUST BOARD—continued. Income and Expenditure Account fob the Yeae ended 31st Mabch, 1934. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. To Grants— £ s. d. £ g. d. By Arawa District Trust Board .. .. 6,000 0 0 Aged and infirm .. .. 417 11 2 Arawa Maori Council .. .. .. 0 19 Educational .. .. .. 172 10 10 Sundries . . .. .. .. .. 219 2 Hospital and medical .. 82 3 6 Health .. .. .. 156 0 0 Marae .. .. .. 201 13 1 Special .. .. .. 647 17 5 1,677 16 0 Depreciation— Maketu Farm .. .. 104 16 10 Motor-car .. .. .. S3 13 4 Office furniture .. .. 16 16 3 175 6 5 Interest on loans .. .. .. .. 544 11 6 Members' expenses .. .. .. 193 10 2 Office rent .. .. .. .. 65 0 0 Office expenses .. .. .. .. 145 7 2 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 342 8 0 Rents, Maketu Farm . . .. .. 1 10 0 Balance carried down .. .. .. 2,857 11 8 £6,003 0 11 £#,003 0 11 £ s. d. £ s# c j i To Balance to balance-sheet .. .. .. 17,013 16 2 By Balance brought down .. .. .. 2,857 11 8 Balance at 31st March, 1933 .. .. 14,'156 4 6 £17,013 16 2 £Ī7Toi3~īīr^ Balance-sheet as at 31st Mabch, 1934. Liabilities. ssets. £ S. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Sundry creditors .. .. .. .. 890 7 0 Maketu property farm .. 14,149 9 1 Maketu purchases .. .. .. .. 4,540 14 3 Maketu farm improvements, £2,281 Native Trust loans .. .. .. .. 9,435 18 4 18s. 3d.; less depreciation, £104 Sundries. £ s. d. 16s. 10d. .. .. .. 2,177 1 5 Sundry villages .. .. 114 16 5 Maketu consolidation: Land purSundry tribes .. .. 20 0 0 chases .. .. .. 5,213 5 3 Sundry Native balances .. 768 7 5 21 539 15 9 903 3 10 Maketu stock on hand .. .. . . 17 0 0 Development scheme contracts .. .. 98 0 9 Puketawhero property 210 5 8 Whakaue Ngati— Harakekeroa property .. .. 30 0 0 Tamatekapua Renovation Fund .. 88 0 0 Maketu A, Section 122 .. 20 16 1 Carnival .. .. .. 20 6 3 Taheke consolidation: Purchases .. 332 17 0 108 6 3 Whakapoungakau 4k .. . . .. .. 425 0 2 RotoitiNo. 4 .. .. .. .. 9 6 3 Whakapoungakau 15, Section 9a .. 15 13 0' Waitangi celebrations: Contributions .. .. 163 6 4 Taheke Blocks (Incorporated) .. 51 16 5 Moko Medical Association ...... 263 £ s. d. Bank balance at 31st March, 1934 .. .. 88 5 7 Office furniture .. .. .. 137 17 11 Income and expenditure .. .. .. 17,013 16 2 Less depreciation .. 16 611 ■ — 121 11 0 Tools .. .. .. .. 5 5 9 Less depreciation .. .. 0 9 4 4 16 5 Motor-car .. .. .. 179 110 Less depreciation .. .. 53 13 4 125 8 6 Development-scheme contracts .. 169 5 6 Library .. .. .. .. .. 30 14 0 Carvings .. .. .. .. .. 610 0 Suspense .. .. .. .. .. 19 17 0 Maketu water-supply .. .. \. .. 51 4 2 Shares (Associated Motors): Benzine A .. 5 0 0 Sundry tribes .. .. .1 .. 203 6 2 Manupiroa Bath . . .. /. .. 129 7 3 Tauranga Archdeaconry .. .. 670 13 9 Ngati Whakaue .. .. .. 99 10 8 Loans— £ s , d. Miscellaneous .. .. 4,739 13 0 Workers'dwellings .. .. 2,351 19 11 Agricultural .. .. .. 1,878 18 9 , , 8,970 11 8 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. 2 10 10 £33,253 11 0 JiS^VTCo — ' Einieri Kingi, Secretary. The Audit Office having examined the Balance-sheet and accompanying accounts, required by law to be audited, hereby certifies them to be correct, subject to the following comment: Loans and Advances Ledger Accounts,' other than those for workers' dwellings and agricultural loans, show only the amounts of interest received and not the interest receivable.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.