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1934-35. NEW ZEALAND.


Laid on the Table of the House of Representatives.

ORDERS OF REFERENCE. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Thursday, the 26th Day of July, 1934. Ordered, " That a Native Affairs Committee, consisting, by leave, of fourteen members, be appointed to consider all petitions, reports, returns, and other documents relating to affairs especially affecting the Native race that may be referred to it, and from time to time to report thereon to the House : the Committee to consist of Mr. Ansell, Mr. Broadfoot, Mr. Clinkard, Right Hon. Mr. Coates, Mr. Henare, Mr. Howard, Mr. Langstone, Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Reid, Captain Rushworth, Mr. Te Tomo, Mr. Tirikatene, Mr. Williams, and the Mover."— (Right Hon. Mr. Forbes for Hon. Sir Apibana Nqata.) Ordered, " That all petitions referred to the A to 1 (Supplementary) Committee and the Public Petitions M to Z (Supplementary) Committee during the session of 1933 and not finally dealt with be referred to the Public Petitions A to L and M to Z Committees respectively, and that all other petitions not finally dealt with during the session of 1933 be again referred to the same Committees as they were referred to during the said session."—(Right Hon. Mr. Fobbes.) Thubsday, the Bth Day of November, 1934. Ordered, " That the Native Purposes Bill be referred to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Right Hon. Mr. Forbes.) Thursday, the 14th Day of Febbuaby, 1935. Ordered, " That the Native Affairs Committee, consisting of fourteen members, be increased (by leave) to fifteen members by the addition of the name of the Mover." —(Right Hon. Mr. Fobbes.) Wednesday, the 27th Day of March, 1935. Ordered, " That the Board of Native Affairs Bill be referred to the Native Affairs Committee." —(Right Hon. Mr. Forbes.) Ordered, " That the Maori Purposes Fund Bill be referred to the Native Affairs Committee."—(Right Hon. Mr. Forbes.) Memoranda for the Chairman of the Native Affairs Committee :— " Pursuant to section 27 of the Native Purposes Act, 1933, Paper No. 88 (Report and Recommendation on Petition No. 53 of 1933, of Te Atarangi Tukino : Praying for relief in re the will of the late Potene Tuhiwai) stands referred to the Native Affairs Committee." " Pursuant to section 27 of the Native Purposes Act, 1933, Paper No. 87 (Report and Recommendation on Petition No. 49 of 1932, of H. McClutchie : Praying for relief in connection with the wills of the late Potene Tuhiwai and Turuhira Tuhiwai) stands referred to the Native Affairs Committee." "Pursuant to section 27 of the Native Purposes Act, 1933, Paper No. 124 (Report and Recommendation on Petition No. 122 of 1931, of Tupito Maruera and another : Praying for relief respecting certain awards of land by the Commissioner appointed to inquire into West Coast Reserves (North Island), stands referred to the Native Affairs Committee." " Pursuant to section 27 of the Native Purposes Act, 1933, Paper No. 121 (Report and Recommendation on Petition No. 75 of 1933, of Miri Tatana and 37 others : Praying for legal right to a landing-place for the Tauranga-Waka at New Plymouth) stands referred to the Native AfEairs Committee." " Pursuant to section 40 of the Native Purposes Act, 1931, Paper No. 196 (East Coast Native Trust Lands: Balance-sheet and Statement of Accounts for the Period 19th July, 1933, to 30th June, 1934) stands referred to the Native Affairs Committee. " Pursuant to section 40 of the Native Purposes Act, 1931, Paper No. 197 (East Coast Native Trust Lands : Mangatu Nos. 1, 3, and 4 Blocks; Balance-sheet and Statement of Accounts for the period Ist July, 1933, to 30th June, 1934) stands referred to the Native Affairs Committee." " Pursuant to section 60 (4) of the Births and Deaths Registration Act, 1924, Paper No. 204 (Regulations providing for the Registration of Births and Deaths of Maoris) stands referred to the Native Affairs Committee.

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